Nov 2010 A Kick up the Baubles
This seasonal comedy was performed in the Morganstown Village Hall on November 25th to 27th 2010.
It’s another peaceful Christmas in the Bailey household, but chestnuts are not roasting on an open fire. And although a Silent Night would be welcome, all is not calm and bright. Frank does not wish it could be Christmas every day – in fact,he’s dreading the arrival of snobbish inlaws who only ever bring a single bottle of wine for the festivities. Throw in a couple of larger than life neighbours, let the drink flow merrily, and everything is set for a car crash Christmas. But when Frank and Jean’s estranged daughter Milly suddenly appears, the rug is pulled out from underneath the chaos and the heartstrings are firmly tugged.
Frank Roger Page, Jean Pauline Watson, Alex Bethan Cowan,
Doreen Helen Windsor, Harry Martin Jarvis, Gary Mike Collins,
Julie Sarah Jones, Milly Emily Cade, Darren Gareth Powell.
Director Dave Burgess, Assistant Director Sheila Phillips,
Set Design Dave Burgess, Set Build Dave Burgess and Allan Cook,
Stage Manager Nicky Webber ,Assist Stage Mgr Carolyn Jones,
Props Liz Davies and Nathalie Eakins, Lighting Geoff Davies,
Sound etc Tony Watson, Assist Sound/Light Will Fox,
Continuity Julia Hallinan, Wardrobe Liz Hopkins and Marie Lewis,
Front of house Harry West, Poster/Programme Dave Burgess,
Publicity Martin Jeeves and Allan Cook.