June 2011- Summer End

The cast and production team
The Drama Society performed SUMMER END at Morganstown Village Hall on Thursday 9th, Friday 10th and Saturday 11th June.
SUMMER END is a humorous “whodunit” written by Eric Chappell, better known as the author of the popular TV sitcoms RISING DAMP and DUTY FREE.
It is a murder-mystery thriller with a touching and funny character study of two ladies whose early mutual mistrust gradually changes into friendship as they face suspicion together. Cantankerous Emily is suggesting that her friend Bella was murdered for her money and she has evidence to prove it. The figure of suspicion points in various directions. The challenge is to work out who the culprit is.
May Nicky Webber, Emily Zoe Pearce, Sally Rachel Jordan
Mrs. Lang Julia Hallinan, Alan David Roberts
Producer Graham Pearce
Production Assistant Sheila Phillips