Nov 2014 The School Mistress

Miss Dyott, the School Mistress
by Arthur W Pinero
This was performed in Morganstown Village
Hall from Thursday to Saturday November 20th to 22nd 2014
The play is set in a finishing school in one of London’s grander squares. Why is the head mistress leaving her school where some of the girls will be resident over Christmas and her good for nothing husband of a few weeks, to spend time with a friend in Hereford? What will happen to Dinah, who has married against her parents wishes and has been incarcerated in the school to keep her away from her husband.
Miss Dyott’s new husband invites his friends around for a party pretending that the school is his fashionable lodgings. Add a bumbling Admiral, his hen pecked wife, a popular composer, a couple of comic servants, one of whom loves playing with fireworks, and the arrival of the local fire brigade to have all the complications required of a classical farce.
Cast in order of Appearance
Tyler… Huw Williams,
Jane Chipman…Jane Sinclair,
Gwendoline Hawkins…Bev Jones,
Peggy Hesselrigge…Helen Blundell,
Dinah Rankling…Hayley Jenkins,
Miss Caroline Dyott…Julia Hallinan,
Mr Otto Bernstein…Brian Willis,
The Hon. Vere Queckett…Peter Griffiths,
Rear-Admiral Archibald Rankling, CB…Roger F Page,
Mrs Emma Rankling…Pauline Watson,
Mr Reginald Paulover…Joshua Williams,
Lieutenant Jack Mallory…Ian Ogden,
Mr Saunders…Will Fox,
Jaffray…Brian Willis,
Goff…Huw Williams.
Directed by Allan Cook,
Assisted by Gill Evans.