September 2023 – County Councillor Reports

Below are the monthly reports from your County Councillors for the Radyr & Morganstown Ward.

Cllr Calum Davies – September report

Received by the Web Team on 5 October 2023

Drover’s Way Park

I am delighted to report that the drainage works that has kept the park from being upgraded for several years has finally completed. The parks department has now taken over the site and is expected to complete the refurbishment around the turn of the year. I am grateful to all those who have played a part in getting us this far and I look forward to seeing the completed park soon.

Bus Services

In a Conservative debate in City Hall, I outlined the public policy mistakes that has led to the deterioration of bus services in Cardiff. Many of my arguments were made in my recent Radyr Chain article. Given that the Council is the only shareholder, we called for an impact assessment of Cardiff Bus to be included in relevant policy decisions. Sadly, this was rejected by other parties.

Bin collections

I share the frustration and experience of residents who have not had certain (or any) of their bins collected. This has been down to the strike by a union in protest over pay. Whilst I am proud of helping residents with missed collections since I was elected, this county-wide issue is something the Council leadership must resolve itself. Residents should continue to check the Council website for what waste is being collected.

Roadworks on Llantrisant Road

Following a meeting with Plasdwr representatives, I have been informed that roadworks along Llantrisant Road and Clos Parc Radur will be concluded by the end of October. The delay has been down to unexpected findings of services below the road.

Replacement Local Development Plan

The public consultation closes today at  Whilst I am pleased that the Council’s preferred strategy does not include using any candidate sites, I have supported efforts to remove those in the ward from the register. The Plasdwr development means greenfield sites are surplus to requirements. Building on the new and well-used car park at the train station would only undermine efforts to reduce city centre congestion and push parking onto residential streets and the road to the Sidings.


My next councillor surgery will be at the Castle Room, Old Church Rooms, Park Road from 5:30-7pm on Tuesday 31st October. No need to book an appointment but feel free to get in touch with me in advance.

Written Questions

Ahead of every Council meeting, I have the chance to table five written questions to the Cabinet. I will aim to use up my allocation each and every month to find out information useful to myself as a representative of Radyr & Morganstown but also in my other roles on the Council, including Shadow Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Supporting Young People, and Tackling Poverty. This month I asked:

  • Will the Cabinet Member provide a progress report on Drovers Way Park?
  • Given the Cabinet’s preferred LDP strategy does not involve developing beyond its existing land bank, when will candidate sites 60, 61, and 80 be removed from the register?
  • As part of implementing the Welsh Government’s new 20mph default speed limit law, how many new signs have been incorrectly installed by Cardiff Council and what is the calculated cost of rectifying the faults?
  • Can the Cabinet Member for Education confirm the schools operating in deficits and the sum of their financial reserves?
  • How much money has been spent on installing cycle lanes in the last 5 years?

Answers can be found here on the written questions section of the Council meeting agenda.

Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones – September Report

Received by the Web Team on 8 October 2023

Youth Service

Cardiff Youth Service has been working in the ward. Two events are planned during half-term and there is an event for children lead by the youngsters planned for Halloween in Windsor Gardens.


Playground Drovers’ Way SECOND PRIORITY

Work has started on the refurbishment of the playground.

Still trying to find a way of funding lights for the path that connects Drovers Way via the playground to Plymouth Drive.

Heol Isaf

Have asked for the hedgerows to be trimmed back.


Odour at Clos Parc Radur

Double sealed man hole covers are due to be fitted second week in November.

St Philbert’s

The work has started on improvements to the attenuation tank system.

Litter bins along Llantrisant Road and also into Parc Plymouth

Have requested litter bins. Several times. Will keep asking.



Mound Field and Radyr Rangers.

Meeting with Council Officers scheduled second week of October

Morganstown Play area

New bright and cheerful flooring has been installed which is great news.

Bethel Chapel

A notice was served for work to be done on the Chapel at the request of the Community Council.

Throughout Radyr and Morganstown


Have walked with the Councillor with the Transport Portfolio from close to Llantrisant Road via Ffordd Treforgan to Radyr Gardens so he understands the distances people have to walk to catch a bus and the importance of having a regular, more frequent bus service.


I have a Facebook page Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones I post information we are asked to share with residents. Last week’s posts included a call for Blood Donors and information on Train Strikes.


TfW gave some bird and some bat boxes to Radyr and Bryn Deri Primary School

Replacement Local Development Plan

Don’t yet know how many of us responded to the Candidate Sites being proposed for Radyr and Morganstown. Hoping we did show how much we want our remaining green spaces to stay green. I objected to all three Candidate sites within our ward.

Am on three Task and Finish groups linked to the RLDP: Planning Obligations that deals with S106 agreements; District and Local Centres that looks at trying to make sure every community can reach essential amenities within a 15 min walk; and Transport Providers, which I hope will look at bus options.


Have only had one negative response about the change in traffic speeds. Having had Heol Isaf at 20mph for quite a while, think it hasn’t been much of a change for us. Do remember you are allowed to drive down Llantrisant Road from Heol Isaf to the roundabout where Bridge Road meets Llantrisant Road at 30mph.