November 2024 – County Councillor Reports
Below are the monthly reports from your County Councillors for the Radyr & Morganstown Ward.
Cllr Calum Davies – November report
Received by the Web Team on 1 December 2024
Traffic in Morganstown
There have been traffic peaks at some points over the last month near Pugh’s Garden Centre. The business is a great one for our area so it is unsurprising it’s so popular. I have met with management who are being very pro-active in addressing traffic as much as they can, but not everything is within their control. Following consultation with them, I have made suggestions to the Highways Department at the Council that may help a bit in alleviating congestion. They have also suggested keeping an eye out on their social media as they give helpful advice on when to visit.
Bus services
This month, I have reiterated to Cardiff Bus and in Council that people across the city deserve reliable bus services and the frequency of cancelled services is having a detrimental effect on morale in the community and undermining faith in public transport. It is unacceptable when customers are left in the cold and the rain – we have bus stops, not shelters! – and tracking their bus only for it to cancel or drive right passed them with no notice. I will continue to make this point on behalf of everyone in Radyr & Morganstown.
Cwm Farm
Concerns have continued to be expressed about activities on fields in Morganstown. I am actively monitoring the situation to ensure activity on the site is lawful and, where relevant, within planning permission. Following requests from myself and other councillors, we have ensured visits to the site in regards of enforcement and tree/environmental protection. We are yet to be informed of activity that falls foul of laws and permissions but continue to keep an eye on the situation.
Radyr Rangers
I was pleased to meet with representatives of Radyr Rangers and Cardiff Council, including the Cabinet Member for Sport. As readers may be aware, there is a vision to give the club improved facilities on site as part of an agreement with Transport for Wales who are currently undertaking activities there. The process is more complex and takes longer than anyone would like but we are hopeful that another hurdle is being cleared.
Parking Consultation
I have expressed my sympathies with those who will be negatively affected by the Council’s ongoing parking consultation. Whilst this does not effect Radyr & Morganstown directly, it will have an impact on some residents and those who live elsewhere in Cardiff. I am concerned that students will face undue discrimination, being stripped of their right to park by their own home, and that small businesses will suffer if people cannot park anywhere near them. This article explains more.
Last Council meeting
I was pleased to second the successful Conservative amendment to a debate on the long-awaited Cardiff Parkway project. It is unacceptable that the Welsh Government has dragged its heels for over two years without reason, delaying an essential infrastructure scheme like this. The Council was unanimous – ministers have nine weeks to approve it. I also expressed concerns regarding the Fairwater Campus’ construction after the company that was meant to deliver the project went into administration. Its essential that after this set-back there is no slippage in the timescale and cost. West Cardiff needs this school but people also need public money spent wisely.
My next councillor surgery will be at 5:30-7pm in the Weir Room at the Old Church Rooms on Thursday 27 February. No appointment is necessary but you’re welcome to flag your attendance with me in advance by email –
Written Questions
Ahead of every Council meeting, I have the chance to table five written questions to the Cabinet. I will aim to use up my allocation each and every month to find out information useful to myself as a representative of Radyr & Morganstown but also in my other roles on the Council, including the Conservatives’ education spokesperson. This month I asked:
- How much does the Council spend to facilitate the travel of pupils to independent/private schools as a result of ALN requirements, and how many pupils benefit from this?
- How far short of its target is the Council projected to fall in regards to its affordable housing construction targets?
- In which months are the remaining wards scheduled to have the new segregated recycling regime rolled-out?
- What progress is the Council making in regards to lighting in Drovers Way Park in Radyr?
- How many units of social housing are owned/managed by For-Profit Registered Providers in Cardiff, and by how many?
Answers can be found here on the written questions section of the Council meeting agenda.
Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones – November Report
Received by the Web Team on 11 December 2024
In extraordinary and sad circumstances, I was made Lord Mayor of Cardiff at the end of November. I was the Deputy and sadly the Lord Mayor has died.
Many of you know that I have been attending Llandaff Cathedral ever since I came to Radyr, mainly because one of the priests there had been the curate where I had been living.
I am truly touched that the Dean has allowed us to join in the 3:00 pm Evensong on December 15th at the Cathedral. It is a low-key service. The post of Lord Mayor will be blessed. I would be delighted to see you there. Note the change of time.
It is a huge honour to represent all of Cardiff.
Drover’s Way
Still no lights. Been told we are waiting for the contractor to install them. We now know that the contractor is waiting for some parts to be delivered. Here’s hoping for a Christmas miracle.
The land has been restored and re-seeded. Been told it will take a while to settle. We will keep an eye on it. It has puddled but so have most parks with the amount of rain we have had in Cardiff.
St Philbert St
Have asked for information on the promised landscaping but have had no reply. Have also been asked if the road has been adopted by the Council. Have asked.
The club is able to put in for a grant to have the pitch on Mound Field properly drained so it could be used through the winter. The all-weather pitch at Radyr Comp is being used.
Morganstown Village Hall
The Village Hall would love to hear from anyone in the community who would be interested in helping the Hall, from just volunteering occasionally to being a trustee. Know that discussion is going on re adding the booking system to the one used by the Community Council If you’d like to help Contact
Radyr and Morganstown
Yes, it is the first priority. The problem is the subsidy it needs to keep going. Hoping that we will be able to draw down some funds this year. Have been looking for possible funding pots. Have made several recommendations which could help.
There has been a consultation re parking on Cardiff’s Website. I have contributed to the survey and I have also asked where the people of Radyr and Morganstown could use for a Park and Ride scheme.
Litter Picking
There is an active group of litter pickers. Please contact for details. The more the merrier.
Radyr Woods Wardens
The wardens meet regularly and are always pleased to have new volunteers. Contact
I have a Facebook page Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones Do please follow me.
Replacement Local Development Plan
The original timeline is behind schedule, we are now likely to be in the next stage in January.
Cardiff Youth Services CYS have set up an informal group at Radyr Hub. Mondays and Thursdays.
Flooding under the M4 bridge
No further news Flooding returned. Really want the drains checked in the adjacent field. Will keep asking
Green Wate Collections
Like you, we are not having a green waste collection. Have been asking for at least one more collection in November and one in December. Am still asking. If it is affecting you negatively, please let me know.
Community Engagement Officer
Would very much like to see a Community Engagement Officer working with our new residents to help them integrate with the community. Cardiff Youth Services intend to set up pop-ups to engage with the youngsters on the new estates.
Police Incidents
When we ask for a regular police patrol, we get told there aren’t enough incidents to justify their presence. Know that phoning 101 can take a very long time to get an answer. It’s so easy to give up trying to contact the police. So please use the email address and flag up any incident if you are unfortunate enough to witness one.
Goldies is every first Friday of the month in the New School Rooms by Christchurch
Remembrance Sunday
Thanks to Adam O’Donavan for the work he put in to deliver another moving ceremony at the War Memorial. We owe a big thank you to Ian Ogden who has masterminded the ceremony for many years. It is wonderful that Adam has taken over the reins and I gather everything ran very smoothly. Thanks Adam once again
Weather permitting Santa will come round Friday 13 December in his sleigh. Again, thanks are needed. This time to Radyr and Morganstown Community Council who work as Santa’s elves to enable him to check his route out before Christmas Day.
May you have a Blessed Christmas, Nadolig Llawen
And a Very Happy and Peaceful New Year
Pob bendith a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda