January 2023 – County Councillor Reports

Below are the monthly reports from your County Councillors for the Radyr & Morganstown Ward.

Cllr Calum Davies – December report

Received by the Web Team on 3 February 2023

Surgery notice

I will be hosting an in-person surgery in the Castle Room in the Old Church Rooms on Thursday 23rd February from 5:30pm to 7pm. No appointment is necessary but please feel free to email calum.davies@cardiff.gov.uk in advance if you’d like to make me aware of your issue ahead of time.

Drover’s Way Park

I had previously reported my delight that funding for sorting the drainage underneath the park had now been secured and due to start work in December. Frustratingly, the weather and procurement issues have delayed the works significantly. Rather than finishing in late March, construction will begin then, finishing in July. This was when the park was meant to be completed. It likely means the park itself won’t be usable again until after the summer holidays. I have made my displeasure clear to the Council.


I received many queries and reports regarding the flooding in the area in the first half of the month. Thankfully, there did not seem to be any cases where property was damaged but there was a lot of concern regarding how water was being discharged from the Plasdŵr site on the edges of Radyr Farm Road and Llantarnam Drive onto Golf Club Lane, which would already have a high degree of discharge naturally. Both Cllr Lloyd Jones and I reported this to representatives on the site to highlight that the way this was being done was inappropriate and successfully pressed them into changing their methods.

Proposed 5G mast

The proposal to erect a 5G mast on the junction between Min-y-Coed and Heol Isaf was refused by the Council. The applicant may now appeal or put forward alternative locations, including those suggested by myself and residents that are not so close to residential homes. I remain a committed supporter of improving infrastructure in Cardiff and this must be done in conjunction with residents, using the most appropriate locations at all times.

Meeting with Radyr Primary Headteacher

I met with Claire Skidmore to learn more about the school and any issues teachers and pupils had. We discussed facilities, the new curriculum, co-working with nearby schools, staffing, and the pupil population. I want to congratulate Claire, her colleagues, and the pupils on their excellent work. I wanted to thank her also for her recent appearance before the Children and Young People Committee where she gave evidence concerning how the school operated during the pandemic as well as pupil and teacher experience.

Written Questions

Ahead of every Council meeting, I have the chance to table five written questions to the Cabinet. I will aim to use up my allocation each and every month to find out information useful to myself as a representative of Radyr & Morganstown but also in my other roles on the Council, including Shadow Cabinet Member for Supporting Young People and Tackling Poverty.

This month I asked:

  • Will the Council provide an update on the underground drainage work on Parc Radur and confirm the date when work will begin on the site?
  • Did the Council ever receive representations from schools concerning the negative consequences of mask-wearing in schools during the pandemic and, of so, was this ever communicated to the Welsh Government?
  • Will new residents still be able to use the current green recycling bags while they await delivery of their caddies and bags as part of the new recycling regime and, if not, what does the Council advise they do to maintain recycling habits?
  • In light of rising costs to finance the new indoor arena in Cardiff Bay, can the Council confirm that any potential relocation of the development will not interfere with planned housebuilding in the area?
  • How is the Council assisting Cardiff Bus in increasing passenger numbers back to pre-pandemic levels?

Answers can be found here on the written questions section of the January Council meeting agenda.

Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones – December Report

Received by the Web Team on 2 February 2023

When we were canvassing the one thing, we heard time and time again was how much people appreciated Mark Drakeford’s steady handling of the COVID crisis. We are deeply sorry that his wife died so suddenly last Saturday and we send him our condolences.


Completing the road surface for Lon y Pererinion

This still hasn’t had a satisfactory outcome and I have raised the matter again.

Odour at Clos Parc Radur

I have received no complaints since December 15th

Golf Club Lane and Llantrisant Road Water coming from drainage work.

This turned out to be a nightmare but in fairness the contractors did work hard to solve the problem and we all drew a breath of relief when Llantrisant Road was dry again. We were so lucky it was fixed hours before the hard frost.

The contractors invited me to look at the drainage plans and I took with me Angela Gray who is Chair of the Radyr and Morganstown Local Development Group. She is an engineer who has worked for Welsh Water as well as other well-known companies. Both of us could see what the problem had been and why it had happened and how the final design should resolve all the surface water drainage issues.

Mobile Library

The mobile library is supposed to be coming to Parc Plymouth in February but no firm date yet.

St Philbert’s Attenuation Tank

Have been advised that this is going to be changed once the weather is better. Once that is done, the area in front of the houses can be properly landscaped and the lawn should become child-friendly. The space does look like the perfect place for a petanque course. Wonder if someone will set one up.


Met some of the officers from the housing association running the end block in Rhiwlas. Had a guided tour around and inside the flats are lovely. We discussed ways in which we could help people integrate into the community.

The Sidings

The last two weeks have seen very high numbers of cars parking on Kings Road, Junction Terrace, Fisher Hill Way and into the Sidings. We have asked about this, and it is because there was a Blockage on the railway going north and that for people coming down from the valleys, the first railway station they can access has been Radyr. TfW has as warned us that there will be more Blockages this year, but they are hopeful that the one we experienced in January will have been the worst. They will try to forewarn us for the upcoming Blockages



Yesterday Feb 1st we had a meeting with Radyr Rangers and the CEO of TfW which was a good meeting. Thanks to Mark Drakeford for setting it up. We are now following the advice we were given at the meeting.

The ideal solution for Mound Field would be to move the skatepark further down the field and give it an upgrade; to build a Radyr Rangers Club House that could also be a community amenity where the skatepark is now, to have an all-weather football pitch in front of the Club House ( more or less where the pitch that needs draining is now); to have an all-weather training pitch between the full sized pitch and the fenced part of Mound Field at the Mound end; to have a small children’s playground between the training pitch and the road into Mound Field with some landscaping and sitting areas.


Apart from the water coming down Golf Course Lane and the water under the railway bridge, it seems as if our roads held up better in the last floods.

Morganstown Village Hall

We have been extremely lucky for many years to have had some very special people on the board of Morganstown Village Hall Management Committee. Some of them have whispered to me that they would love to step down and pass the baton on to other local people. So, if you would like to help, please let me know and I’ll pass your details on.


Radyr Comprehensive

The All-Weather Football Pitch has been ReJenerated (from a Trade name) and should last at least three years, possibly five. It will cost a lot more to restore it next time. Gather Radyr Rangers used it this week.

The school is still struggling without the toilets promised. The last meeting sounded more positive.

Attended the Schools Liaison meeting this month.

Heol Isaf

We have been advised that there will be double yellow lines one side of Heol Isaf near Radyr Comp and restricted parking on the other side. We have asked for a date but haven’t had one so far. With Spring on the way, it’s a good time to explore all the short cuts in the area and see if you can find a walking route or a cycling route your child would enjoy using.

Willow Tree Pylon Park

The hedge which had turned into a row of trees has been trimmed. Once the brambles which have been cut down are mown a few times more, the space should look much bigger. Good to see the snowdrops on it that the primary school children from Brynderi and Radyr planted. They hope to plant more this year.

Playground Drovers’ Way SECOND PRIORITY

This is GOOD NEWS.  But there are procurement issues. The job is scheduled to be finished in July,

Throughout Radyr and Morganstown


Currently discussing with Cardiff Bus Company. whether we can alter the times of the 63 to work well for pupils living in Morganstown to get to and from Radyr Comprehensive. Would be glad of feedback to know if parents would choose to send their children to the Comp if there was a good bus service for them.

Circulated a survey re different bus routes on social media, and via the WI network. One bus that we wanted to keep was the 64 because it goes to the Heath Hospital. Know that some of you use the 63 to get to Danescourt and then wait for the 64 (another mis-match) but at least it exists and the feedback I had was that people did want it kept going,


Cllr Davies submitted a list of pavements that we both thought could do with improving and I sent an email backing his requests up.  Hopefully some lucky residents will benefit sometime this year.

Lights in Drovers Way towards Plymouth Drive

The Parc Radyr Management Company is looking for ways of funding some lights along the path in Drovers Way from Drovers Way to Plymouth Drive. All but one of the lights would simply light up the path and not disturb people’s sleep. There needs to be an overhead light as the path enters the space between the houses in Plymouth Drive.

Friday with Friends Good Neighbours at New School Rooms Christ Church Heol Isaf 2-4pm

There is a very warm welcome to anyone who would just like to come in and have a chat and a cup of tea. Louise is running it for the Good Neighbours. She always makes everyone feel so welcome.

Warm Places Radyr Methodist Church

Monday January 2nd 10am-12  There is a very warm welcome here too!

The Library (now the Hub) is also a designated warm place

and hot drinks are available there whenever the library is open.

Other council business

This month I have been on the scrutiny committee looking at the proposals for the International Sports Village which look exciting. I have also been on the Environment Scrutiny committee.

I have also been involved with an Inquiry Report of the Economy & Culture Scrutiny Committee SHAPING CARDIFF’S POST-PANDEMIC ECONOMIC RECOVERY January 2023

The budget? Hoping I can give some clear feedback next month.