December 2024 – County Councillor Reports

Below are the monthly reports from your County Councillors for the Radyr & Morganstown Ward.

Cllr Calum Davies – December report

Received by the Web Team on 21 December 2025

With Christmas around the corner, this month I wanted to send a message to the community rather than the usual report, with December activities being grouped with my ones in January for the next newsletter. I thought it may be worthwhile looking back over 2024 and seeing what is ahead for next year.

2023 ended on a positive note with the eventual reopening of the Drovers Way Park. This was one of my top three election pledges and I am delighted that families can once again enjoy its use. There remains landscaping and lighting issues around the park itself and progress is being made on these points.

This year has not been a particularly active one for a big issue for people in the ward – the Local Development Plan. We will hear more about in early 2025 as we move onto the next stage. Consultation on the Deposit Replacement LDP will commence in early 2025 and the Council will seek to adopt a replacement LDP by spring/summer 2026. Whilst there have been positive noises about leaving the land north-west of the Golf Club and Radyr Station car park alone, we are not in the clear yet and I will ensure local views are heard throughout this process.

Frustrations in the ward continue when it comes to bus services. I probably deal with these issues more than any others. If you have any issues with your waste being collected, please do tell me as I can raise this with officers. I continue to scrutinise bus operators in my roles and always make the case for more reliable services. Our ward needs this to meet both the goals of the Council when it comes to public transport and emissions, and the desire of residents not to spend their lives in traffic. You can respond to the Council’s consultation on its bus strategy, which closes on 27 January here.

In the Council, I have continued to enjoy my role on the Children & Young People Committee, focussing on how the local authority runs our schools and children’s services. I have also taken on the role of Education Spokesperson for the Conservative Group and look forward to doing more in that realm.

I continue to be one the most regular speakers at Cardiff Council – asking oral and written questions, speaking in debates, and scrutinising Cabinet Member statements – not just on behalf of people in Radyr & Morganstown but the whole city. I have spoken on 23 separate occasions and asked 25 written questions in 2024. I was proud to propose our alternative Conservative Budget back in March which would have led to a much smaller council tax increase and, more recently, second our successful amendment to a debate on Cardiff Parkway which was unanimously supported by all parties.

It remains a pleasure to work with the Community Council in the ward. Whilst I do not sit on this Council, I work closely with its members and appreciate the mutual support we both provide.

2024 has not been an easy year for me. My party received a drubbing at the general election – probably deservedly – although I missed this election, due to health reasons. I am now on the mend and have hit the ground running in responding to casework and pushing forward ideas to make life easier for those in the ward, especially for those who have had a worse year than me!

It comes to mind that I am writing this on the day that marks the exact halfway point during my term of office. In two and a half years, I will face you all again as I ask for your vote. I hope that the work I have done so far is a good showing but I know there’s more to do. There is more that I want to do. If you would like to help or share any ideas you have for the ward, I’d love to hear them.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones – December Report

Received by the Web Team on 1 January 2025

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chwi

A phawb sy’n byw yn eich tŷ

Dyma ein dymuniadau ni

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chwi.


Rough translation is

Happy New Year to you

And all who live in your house

This is our wish

Happy New Year to you.

My father, as a young boy used to sing this song on New Year’s Day going round from house to house. He had a good voice and people nearly always gave him money for singing. I have seen photos of young boys holding Calennigs (in the old days an apple with cloves and a sprig of holly stuck into it and then with twigs to form a tripod base and one to act as a handle) outside a cottage door ready to sing the New Year’s song above.

It is this song I am sending to you all, wishing you a Very Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.

Drovers’ Way

Still no lights. Have chased up on this. Waiting for some parts apparently. Will chase again

The land restoration has happened. We have had so much rain that there has been puddling but the Council officers are confident that come summer, it will all have settled. They too are proud of the play area and want it to stay looking good.

Disappointingly we have had reports of children riding their bikes in this playground. There is a flat piece in Drovers’ Way Park behind the tennis courts where youngsters could practice their bike skills. Please actively encourage any child with a bike or a scooter to use the flat space. The children’s playground’s floor surface is not designed to take bikes riding across it.

St Philbert St

Have asked for information on the promised landscaping but have had no reply. Have also been asked if the road has been adopted by the Council. Have asked. Will ask again. Have managed to get the dog poo bins emptied.

Radyr Cricket Club

Sadly, Radyr Cricket Club was badly affected by Storm Darragh. They are looking for funding to help restore the Club House, the pitch and the fencing.  If you are into cricket, I know the Club would be grateful for any donation that will help them restore the facilities they had. They are actively looking for funding. Their web site is



The club is waiting to meet FAW officials at Mound Field to discuss the drainage of the pitch. Hopefully they will be able to apply for funding.

Morganstown Village Hall

The Village Hall would love to hear from anyone in the community who would be interested in helping the Hall, from just volunteering occasionally to being a trustee.  If you’d like to help, let me know or contact

Radyr and Morganstown


This is so much more complex than I dreamed. Meeting being set up for January to discuss some of the issues.


There has been a consultation re parking on Cardiff’s Website. I contributed to the survey. I asked where there would be a Park and Ride scheme for the people of Radyr and Morganstown,

Litter Picking

There is an active group of litter pickers. Please contact for details. The more the merrier.

Radyr Woods Wardens

The wardens meet regularly and are also always pleased to have new volunteers. Contact


I have a Facebook page Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones Do please follow me.

Replacement Local Development Plan

The original timeline is behind schedule, we are now likely to be in the next stage in January.


Cardiff Youth Services CYS have set up an informal group at Radyr Hub. Mondays and Thursdays.

Flooding under the M4 bridge

No further news Flooding returned. Really want the drains checked in the adjacent field. Will keep asking Have asked for the stones that appeared during the last flood to be cleared away and the gullies cleaned out again.

Green Wate Collections

The Council does not have a statutory duty to collect garden waste. Many other councils in Wales charge for garden waste collection. Knowing how much it costs me to get the waste removed responsibly, think many of us would prefer to pay and have collections all year.

Community Engagement Officer

Hopefully, some of the difficulties setting this up will be resolved soon.

Police Incidents

When we ask for a regular police patrol, we get told there aren’t enough incidents to justify their presence. Know that phoning 101 can take a very long time to get an answer. It’s so easy to give up trying to contact the police. Please use the email address   and flag up any incident if you are unfortunate enough to witness one.


Goldies is every first Friday of the month in the New School Rooms by Christchurch 2pm -4pm

Lighting Festival

Sadly, because of weather warnings, the decision was taken to cancel the event. Huge thanks to the schools, Radyr Comp, Radyr Primary, Bryn Deri and Gwaelod y Garth (where many of our Welsh speaking children go) for working so hard on Christmas Carols and Songs for us to enjoy. Hopefully the weather will be kinder next year and we will all be singing together again.


Father Christmas came around Radyr and Morganstown and thanks are due to his elves and Radyr and Morganstown Community Council. Next year, the elves have told me, he will start from Parc Plymouth.