April 2024 – County Councillor Reports

Below are the monthly reports from your County Councillors for the Radyr & Morganstown Ward.

Cllr Calum Davies – April report

Received by the Web Team on 1 May 2024

Countering anti-Semitism

Over the last seven months, there has been a concerning increase in racist, particularly anti-Semitic, sentiment expressed in our city. As Shadow Cabinet Member for Supporting Young People, I have used council and committee meetings to advocate that the Council utilise youth services in the city as a means to counter anti-Semitism. I have, therefore, been in touch with national organisations about how to pursue this, with a view to have training sessions in place as soon as possible. I am pleased that the Council are currently considering these proposals.

Radyr Woods Wardens

I was pleased to meet with Friends of Radyr Woods at their AGM in April, a dedicated group of volunteers who take care of the Woods through litter picking and maintenance. If, like me, you’re interested in helping them out with their occasional work programme to keep the Woods clean and accessible, do contact Helena.fox@icloud.com.

Radyr & Morganstown Festival

This year’s festival will soon be underway, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the events I’ll be attending. Make sure to support the Festival and its brilliant team as they fundraise for the 2024 charity, Alzheimer’s Society Wales. Please contact rma@radyr.org.uk if you are able to lend a hand with running the bar and BBQ, or helping with event set-up or take-down.

Radyr Comprehensive School

The high school recently had their report published by the school inspectorate, Estyn, and it was a delight to read the high praise for its teachers, staff, and pupils, only making two recommendations that I am sure the School will make swift efforts to address. The overview states: “Leaders in Radyr Comprehensive School place improving teaching at the centre of all of their work. This, along with the high priority they place on pupils’ well-being and developing their sense of belonging, means that most pupils enjoy being at school, engage effectively during lessons and feel safe and valued as part of the school community. The impact of professional learning on the quality of teaching is a notable strength of the school.” I congratulate the school on the progress made.

Trains at Radyr Station

From Sunday 2 June, current TfW train timetables on the South Wales Valley lines will change as the next phase of the South Wales Metro is delivered. There’ll be an increase in the frequency of services running from Pontypridd to Cardiff, from six trains per hour to eight. These will run between 7am and 7pm, Mondays to Saturdays. Included in the eight trains per hour, there’ll be a new service between Pontypridd and Cardiff Bay, running every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday. Passengers on this service will not need to change trains at Cardiff Queen Street to get to Cardiff Bay.

Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones – April Report

Received by the Web Team on 1 May 2024


Hot off the Press. Great to see Radyr Comprehensive having a very good report from Estyn. Congratulations to all the staff and to the pupils. Well done.

Drover’s Way

We are still waiting for weather dry enough to welcome Horizon back to do the reinstating work needed on the disturbed ground by the new play area. We are still trying to get lights for the path. This may have to be done in stages, but it is beginning to look as if the darkest corner will be lit by autumn.

Station Road

The first bit of Community work done by the Knit and Natter group based in Radyr Hub (warm welcome to anyone who would like to join them on a Monday morning) has gone into the Optician’s window. Do have a peek. Many thanks to the Knitters and Crocheters. Hope they had fun.

Windsor Gardens

The Art group based at Radyr Hub (Tuesdays) has made some delightful artwork to get us in the mood for the Radyr Festival. They too deserve many thanks and our appreciation.


Odour at Clos Parc Radur

No complaints received in April.

Lon Pererinion

Hoped to see progress this month but it wasn’t resurfaced when I looked last week. Will continue to ask Redrow.



Radyr Rangers have put in one application re draining the pitch on Mound Field. It is unplayable most of the year.

They have also supported a bid from Radyr Comprehensive towards funding an all-weather pitch at the school. The school has been advised that the existing pitch will not be in a good enough condition to re-surface when it next needs a re-surface. This could happen within the next three years. It is really important that the school and the youngsters in our community should have at least one all-weather pitch to use.

Radyr and Morganstown


Cllr Davies and I are submitting jointly a proposal for Radyr and Morganstown to have a shuttle bus that would service not only the existing stops but also the Metro link at Radyr Station and The Sidings. It would enable residents to catch the buses available on Llantrisant Road and would be timed so that it should link up with the bus that goes to the Heath Hospital stopping at Danescourt.


I have a Facebook page Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones Do please follow me.

Replacement Local Development Plan

We won’t know whether our concerns have been allayed until later on this year.


This seems to be working more smoothly than it was. We all accept there are aspects of the scheme that are not perfect. Some of which the Council will focus on sorting as soon as possible and others, such as the bag design will need a very considered approach.


Cardiff Youth Services CYS are coming into the ward and interacting with our youngsters. There are sessions in Radyr Library on Monday and Thursday evening. They are there on Mondays 6pm -9pm and Thursdays 3:15 pm -7pm.  There are a range of activities available for the youngsters, including just chatting to their friends, but I noticed some youngsters are taking advantage of a quiet space to do their homework. Others were playing on virtual reality games. Last time I popped in there was some Hub made pizza. You can usually never feed a teenager enough. These had learnt how to make their own pizza.

Flooding under the M4 bridge

Know the drainage is going to be checked. Hoping it will sort our flooding problems out. Waiting for weather which will allow for an exploration of the area.

Council Committees

I attended the Environment Scrutiny Committee and the Economic Scrutiny Committee in April.

Maps and Information Boards

This last month I have been very involved (immersed) with a project to draw up a new map of the area to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Radyr and Morganstown Community Council. There is such a lot to learn about the ward.

Radyr Festival

You can find information and book tickets on rmfestival.org.uk

There are several free events and some you need to buy tickets. All profits go to charity. This year it is the Alzheimer’s Society.

I went to see Steel Magnolias on Friday. Congratulations to the Production team and the actors. I thoroughly enjoyed watching. Gather Radyr Drama Society would welcome newcomers. Do join. They are very good and seemed to be having a great time as well.

Hope to see most of you in one Festival event or another. This weekend sees the Fete at Radyr Primary school starting at 12 noon Saturday, a Concert, a Walk and a Civic Service at 6pm Sunday in Christchurch. Do please come along. You can just walk into the Fete and the Church.

Councillor’s Surgery

Next Councillor’s surgery June 15th 10:30 am to 11:30 am at the Ty Nant. Just come along if you want to talk to me.

Radyr and Morganstown Community Council

It was a pleasure to attend an event bringing together people who had worked hard on the RMCC for the benefit of the community. Strange to see that 50 years ago, the Old Church Rooms was a very simple building. We were given a brief overview by the Chair Tyrone Davies of the history of the RMCC.

This is a good time to thank Tyrone for the work he has done on the Community Council as Chair. It has not been the easiest of times to be in a Chair’s role. He has brought his enthusiasm and his experience to the post and we have been lucky to have him as our Chair. Thank you, Tyrone.