December 2022 – County Councillor Reports

Below are the monthly reports from your County Councillors for the Radyr & Morganstown Ward.

Cllr Calum Davies – December report

Received by the Web Team on 22 December 2022

Drover’s Way Park

It is great news that the park on Drover’s Way will finally get refurbished. After budgetary issues, pressure for the park to be restored has succeeded in making the Council find the funds. The Council envisages work on the underlying drainage works starting around Christmas and taking three months to complete. Contractors will then install the park – funds for which should already be ringfenced for this purpose – and I will also ask that lighting on the path to Plymouth Drive is put in place. I will also be asking Royal Mail to bring the ward’s first King Charles post box to the park.

Gelynis Railway Bridge

As many residents may know, the railway crossing at Gelynis Farm is to be removed as part of the South Wales Metro and electrification works by Transport for Wales, and replaced with a bridge. I have told the Council that permission to build the bridge (and, thus, replace the existing right of way) must be contingent on it being suitable for those with disabilities and mobility issues. Therefore, the bridge should be constructed in a manner that someone can independently use a wheelchair to cross it. The bridge must be compliant with equalities legislation. I also believe a halt near the site would be extremely beneficial for the area and would bear relatively little cost to construct.

Neighbourhood Renewal Scheme Programme

As a councillor, I have a chance to bid for funds for projects that help regenerate parts of the ward (in accordance with strict criteria). I have decided to use my bid to help refurbish the facilities for Radyr Rangers at Mound Field. Ideally, this would mean bringing an all-weather pitch to Mound Field, addressing current drainage issues, and building a new clubhouse with community facilities. At least getting parts of this project financed would be positive. I look forward to updating residents on the bid’s progress. Separately to the bid, I have provided my support for upgrading of the all-weather pitch at Radyr Comprehensive School which is in dire need of restitution.

Local Development

I was pleased to attend the latest meeting of the RMA where the Radyr & Morganstown Local Development Group gave a presentation on potential development in Cardiff West. As promised during my election campaign, I will be supporting efforts – and making my own representations – to object to building in the ward’s last patch of green as well as in the rail station car park. Keep an eye out for the Cardiff Council’s consultation on the replacement Local Development Plan in early 2023 and use the RMLDG’s talking points as inspiration if you are so minded.

Full Council

I seconded a debate congratulating the Welsh national football team on their qualification for the World Cup. The Conservatives wanted to celebrate the opportunity by waiving pitch and changing room fees for adults (children are already exempt) for one year but this was sadly rejected by the Labour Party. I also raised the issue of getting a lease secured for Radyr Rangers and questioned how the Labour Government’s nationwide default 20mph speed limits will affect the finances of Cardiff Bus, a council asset. Whilst the response to the former was encouraging, it was not for the latter.

Remembrance Sunday

It was an honour earlier this month to be part of the procession on Remembrance Sunday in Radyr, lay a wreath to the glorious dead, and give a reading in Christ Church. It is essential we do not forget the sacrifice so many made. They gave their today for our tomorrow.

Written Questions

Ahead of every Council meeting, I have the chance to table five written questions to the Cabinet. I will aim to use up my allocation each and every month to find out information useful to myself as a representative of Radyr & Morganstown but also in my other roles on the Council, including Shadow Cabinet Member for Supporting Young People and Tackling Poverty. This month I asked:

  1. Can the Cabinet member update the Council on progress being made on Drover’s Way Park?
  2. Will the Cabinet consider physically investigating sites when councillors have called for traffic calming measures before refusal?
  3. Why won’t the Cabinet consider allowing residents to show proof of address to use city centre car parks at the regular commercial rate on days when event premiums are in place?
  4. What is the Cabinet’s position on granting Radyr Rangers a lease on Mound Field, Morganstown so it can apply for funding streams to upgrade facilities?
  5. Will the Cabinet set a target to end the use of unregulated care settings for looked-after children of any age?

Answers can be found here on the written questions section of the September Council meeting agenda.

Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones – December Report

Received by the Web Team on 2 January 2023

Wonderful memories of Christmas in Radyr and Morganstown. Started off with the Christmas Lights across Radyr and Morganstown event on Friday 2nd December. So many of us contributed in one way or another to make for a magical evening. Thanks to the Radyr and Morganstown Association for all the hard work they put into the event and to Radyr and Morganstown Community Council for supporting the event, providing the Christmas Trees and the street lighting.

Diolch o Galon (Thanks from the Heart) to Ysgol Gynradd Gwaelod y Garth who brought a group of children to the Granny Park in Morganstown to start the evening off. Many of our children who are being educated through the medium of Welsh attend Gwaelod and it was good to see them too taking part in our festivities. And yes, they counted down to Christmas Tree light up in Welsh!

Thanks (from the heart too!) to Radyr Primary and Brynderi Primary for combining to put on a wonderful Christmas music concert in the Methodist Church and then coming out to countdown the lighting of the Windsor Garden’s Christmas Tree. Thanks too to the Methodist Church for allowing the schools to use the Church.

And thanks (from the heart too!) to Radyr Comprehensive who sent a choir down to the Sidings to sing carols with the community and then count down the lighting up of the tree in The Sidings.

Thanks to all the people who ran stalls in Station Road, and we have sent a note to the North Pole to thank Santa for coming along too.

December 16th Santa came back and just checked he had worked out where all the children live in Radyr and Morganstown. It was a very cold night but even so, lots of you had turned up to see him go past and he was so pleased to see you all. Thanks to Redrow for taking down bollards for Santa’s sleigh and for joining in with us by putting up a Christmas Tree.

We have discovered that Santa now has an app. Next year we will give you the details and you will be able to see where Santa’s sleigh is as it goes around the villages.

Redrow at Plasdŵr

Temporary Junction Clos Parc Radur and Llantrisant Road.

Have been told that the next phase will finish in January and the junction should be working by March.

Completing the road surface for Lon y Pererinion

I have been told that there is an issue between Redrow and Bellway which is preventing this being solved. Have spoken to Bellway and Redrow. Apparently Redrow needs to put the next layer of the road in and then Bellway will do the final layer. When? Will raise the issue again in our next meeting with Redrow.


Have not noticed any improvement

Section 106

We were advised that Redrow had just released another tranche of Section 106 money.

Odour at Clos Parc Radur FIRST PRIORITY

There are two sewage pipelines going along Clos Parc Radur. If you stand with your back to Llantrisant Road and look along Clos Parc Radur, Redrow’s line is on the right side of the road and Barratt’s on the left-hand side.

It was Barratt’s line not Redrow’s line that was bubbling sewage in October.

We now have both Barratt and Redrow taking a close interest in these pipelines. They have been flushed out and checked with cameras.

There has been a problem with blocked manholes that link to some of the houses. This seems to have been resolved, time will tell.

Christmas Tree

Redrow did put up a tree. And we gather Redrow intends to continue the tradition.

Bollard removed for Santa

Redrow removed the bollard. Santa was very grateful.

Golf Club Lane and Llantrisant Road Water coming from drainage work.

I have been sent videos of muddy water coming out of drainage pipes and going down Golf Club Lane on to Llantrisant Road. I have raised our concerns about this. Please take great care as you travel along Llantrisant Road by the junction with Golf Club Lane. If the temperatures drop below freezing, the road surface may be like a skating rink. Hopefully the issue will be sorted before the next bout of cold weather.

Mobile Library

The mobile library intends to start visiting Parc Plymouth in February. The library carries books in many languages including Chinese! No fixed dates as yet.

The Sidings

We now have a new contact for TfW who has visited some of our residents, who have experienced significant disruption with the installation of the Metro.


Radyr Rangers (RR)

Both Cllr Davies and myself, put a bid in for Neighbourhood Renewal Funding towards helping Radyr Rangers and Mound Field.

Currently we have not got a full-sized football pitch that our youngsters can use anywhere in Radyr and Morganstown, not even at Radyr Comprehensive.

Radyr Rangers intend to put bids in for funding this month.

The ideal solution for Mound Field would be to move the skatepark further down the field and give it an upgrade; to build a Radyr Rangers Club House that could also be a community amenity where the skatepark is now, to have an all-weather football pitch in front of the Club House ( more or less where the pitch that needs draining is now); to have an all-weather training pitch between the full sized pitch and the fenced part of Mound Field at the Mound end; to have a small children’s playground between the training pitch and the road into Mound Field with some landscaping and sitting areas.

Mark Drakeford has enabled a meeting with the CEO of TfW and Radyr Rangers and the relevant officer from Cardiff Council and myself to discuss the way forward for the Club House.


This continues to be a problem. Leaf fall was very late this year. The Council does not have enough “gully suckers” to clean out all the drains in Cardiff.

Morganstown Village Hall

We have been extremely lucky for many years to have had some very special people on the board of Morganstown Village Hall Management Committee. Some of them have whispered to me that they would love to step down and pass the baton on to other local people. So, if you would like to help, please let me know and I’ll pass your details on.


Radyr Comprehensive

Delighted to see that Radyr Comprehensive was in the top 5 best state schools in Wales and was the best state school in Cardiff. Congratulations to the pupils and the staff who all work so hard to get terrific results.

The school is still struggling without the toilets promised. The last meeting sounded more positive.

The All-Weather Pitch (where they used to play football) has been declared unsafe and will need either a short-term fix or ideally a proper long-term fix. Have been looking for possible ways of funding this. In the meantime, the school governors have made an act of faith and have moved progress on a short-term fix.

Playground Drovers’ Way

This is GOOD NEWS.  If the technology works well, you should be able to see the proposals for the playground in the PDF file below. These are not yet finalised but give you a feel of how the playground will be set out. If any of you have sharp eyes, you may have noticed there don’t seem to be conventional swings on the proposals.  I have asked that this can be checked because most children love using swings.


I was delighted to attend a Christmas Concert at Brynderi with Cllr Sarah Merry, the Cabinet Member for Education. As always, the standard was very high and a lot of fun. The children did point out that there was a need for their drains to have help. Cllr Merry enjoyed the concert very much and was glad she had been invited to the school.

It was good to go along to a meeting with Cardiff Council Officers and Brynderi and learn that there has been a significant improvement with the drains although there are still issues that need sorting. It does feel as if progress is being made.

Throughout Radyr and Morganstown


No progress made on this. The bus arrangements are complicated.


We are down to be looked at in January. If there are any that you consider very bad, please let me know.


It’s worth clearing the drains near you of leaves. If you can see that the drain is blocked (and many are) can you let me know please? I need street name and exact location. If you could download Google Street and move the little man to the exact location of the drain, take a screen dump, and then send the details that would be very helpful.

Green Bins

We have a need for garden waste collection in our ward in November and December. Some local authorities ask you to pay if you want your garden waste collected. Others ask you to contact them when you need your garden waste collected so the pickup lorries don’t make wasted journeys. What are your thoughts?

Lights in Drovers Way towards Plymouth Drive

Waiting an estimate as to costs.

Friday with Friends Good Neighbours at New School Rooms Christ Church Heol Isaf 2-4pm

There is a very warm welcome to anyone who would just like to come in and have a chat and a cup of tea. Louise is running it for the Good Neighbours. She always makes everyone feel so welcome.

Warm Places

Radyr Methodist Church Starting Monday January 2nd 10am-12

The Library (now the Hub) is also a designated warm place and hot drinks are available there whenever the library is open.

St David’s Hall

I am on the scrutiny committee that looked at the proposals for St David’s Hall and I believe the best way to safeguard St David’s future will be to let the Academy Music Group Limited have a lease arrangement with the Council. The details so far look very promising, Cardiff’s Classical Concerts will be retained including Cardiff Singer of the World; the acoustics report is positive; AMG have amazing links with top entertainers so there will be an even greater repertoire for people to enjoy.

Museum of Cardiff

Currently there has been no decision taken but one of the options I have heard mention of involves kitting up an adapted vehicle to carry exhibits from the Museum. This can visit the schools in term time and go to Cardiff Bay or Bute Park or any other popular location in Cardiff during the holidays. As a former teacher, I am aware that children whose parents are experiencing financial difficulties often miss out on school trips. This way, the Museum can come to the children. It’s a solution I would welcome.