Review of the Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP)

The RMA are involved in the current review of the Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP).
The Cardiff Local Development Plan was adopted by the Council in January 2016 following a consultation period in which the RMA and R&M Community Council presented the views of residents. The LDP is used by the Council to guide and manage development, providing a basis by which planning applications are determined.
Latest news
We are currently waiting for the next round of documentation for the LDP review to be published and will the commence the process of consulting with Association members on the content of those documents as soon as we receive them. We expect this to be in November when “Consultation on strategic options” formally opens.
12 April 2022
Members of the RMA Executive responded to an online consultation exercise in the name of the RMA considering the possible “Strategic Options” for the Revised LDP.
The Radyr & Morganstown Community Council produced a written submission on the “Options Consultation” exercise carried out around the Revised LDP.
24 July 2021
The RMA have submitted their response to the Draft Vision, Issues and Objectives for the revised LDP.
Later (October 2021) the Radyr & Morganstown Community Council published a copy of their Response to the Draft Vision for the RLDP
The original consultation documents can be seen on the dedicated Cardiff LDP Consultation website
4 February 2021
The RMA submitted their response to the first phase of the LDP Review process on 04/02/2021
The RMA also supports the response made by the North West Cardiff Group on 03/02/2021 of which the RMA is a contributory member.
7 January 2021
The following invitation was received by the RMA as a proposed consultee to the review of the Cardiff Local Development Plan.
Dear Consultee,
Consultation On Draft Review Report And Draft Delivery Agreement
The Cardiff Local Development Plan was adopted by the Council in January 2016 and sets out the Council’s planning framework over the period 2006 to 2026. In order to ensure that Plan remains up-to-date, there is a statutory requirement to undertake a review within 4 years of Plan adoption.
In December 2019 I wrote to let you know that the Council were commencing the Full Review process of the Cardiff Local Development Plan (LDP). Following consultation undertaken in January /February 2020 the decision was taken to delay the LDP review process due to the uncertainty surrounding the global pandemic.
I write now to let you know that the Council is restarting the Full Review process. This process must determine the revision procedure to be followed – specifically, whether to undertake a short form revision or full revision which would require the preparation of a Replacement LDP. This matter was considered by Council on 26 November, 2020.
View a copy of the Council LDP Review Report – See item 117
The preparation of a Replacement LDP (for the period 2021 to 2036) is considered the most appropriate option to ensure that the Plan remains up-to-date. Your views are now sought on the full review as outlined more fully below. The Review documents have been updated including consideration of the implications of the global pandemic.
The first stage in the review process is the publication of the Draft Review Report and the Draft Delivery Agreement and I am contacting you to give you an opportunity to comment on these documents which will be subject to a 4 week consultation period commencing Thursday 7th January 2021 until Thursday 4th February 2021.
The Draft Review Report provides an overview of the issues that have been considered as part of the LDP review process. It also sets out the potential options for reviewing the LDP and concludes that the preparation of a Replacement LDP (2021 to 2036) is considered to be the most appropriate option.
The preparation of a Delivery Agreement is a key requirement in preparing a Replacement LDP. The Draft Delivery Agreement provides details of the various stages involved in the Plan-making process and the time each part of the process is likely to take. It also sets out the way in which the Council proposes to involve the local community and other stakeholders in the preparation of a replacement LDP.
Due to the ongoing difficulties with the global pandemic we are having to undertake this consultation digitally therefore the draft consultation documents can be viewed on the Council’s website. View a copy of the LDP Review Consultation Documents
We would be grateful if you could send any comments you may have on the draft consultation documents to or make them in writing to LDP Team, Planning Section, Room 219, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4UW by midnight Thursday 4th February 2021.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English. Correspondence received in Welsh will be answered in Welsh and will not lead to delay. Your comments will be acknowledged and reported, in summary, to a future meeting of the Council, where a decision will be made on how the LDP will be reviewed.
Please note at this stage we are only seeking your comments on the Draft Review Report and Draft Delivery Agreement and we will contact you again should approval be granted following consultation for the preparation of a replacement LDP.
The current LDP will remain in place until any Replacement LDP is formally adopted following the formal plan making process.
If you require any further information or background on the process or if you have any difficulties access the documents please email the LDP Team:
Data Protection Notice – Please note that all comments received cannot be treated as confidential and will be available for public inspection (with your personal details redacted). We will hold your contact details on our LDP Review consultation database for the duration of the LDP Review preparation process and Replacement LDP process should approval be given; unless you request in writing to be removed from the database and no longer receive correspondence from the Council on the LDP Review.
Yours faithfully
James Clemence
Head of Planning
The current adopted LDP
- Cardiff Local Development Plan 2016 – 2026 (7.7mb PDF)
- Proposals Map (part of Cardiff Council online mapping solution)
- Proposals Map (5mb PDF)
- Constraints Map (5.1mb PDF)
- Annual Monitoring Reports (Cardiff Council Website)