RMA General Meetings
The Radyr & Morganstown Association holds regular “General Meetings” open to all of its members.
These meetings usually have a talk of interest to local residents as well as covering important local issues. Meeting details are sent to all Members of the RMA on a regular basis.
All individuals living or working in the area and all local groups are eligible for membership. Anyone wishing to join us should contact the Association’s secretary (rma@radyr.org.uk). There is no membership subscription – it’s free.
24 June 2024 – Radyr Hustings

The UK General Election will be held on Thursday 5 May 2022. This will include election of our representative for the Cardiff West Constituency in the UK Parliament.
In order to help voters decide who to vote for, the RMA have organised a hybrid hustings event for Monday 24 June 2024 starting at 19.30. You can either attend on-site at the Old Church Rooms or online via Zoom.
Our long-standing Member of Parliament, Kevin Brennan MP is stepping down in this election. He will be replaced by a new representatives for the re-shaped Cardiff West Constituency following the reduction in the number of Welsh Constituencies recommended by the Boundary Commission.
Update (27/06/2024)
Thank you to everyone who submitted questions in advance and those who attended both at the Old Church Rooms and online via Zoom.
The 5 (of 9) Candidates who attended were:
- Alex Barros-Curtis (Labour)
- James Hamblin (Conservative)
- Keira Marsall (Plaid Cymru)
- Neil McEvoy (Propel)
- John Urquhart (Independent)
We apologise that, due to technical difficulties on the night, the video quality is not what we had intended. Whilst we have captured candidates audio for the whole evening there is also a short portion where the cameras cut out all together. Also, during the meeting a decision was taken to permit questions from the floor after candidates final speeches. This was not an expected part of the format. Where these are not picked up by our microphones, we have attempted to overlay summaries of the questions asked but they are only interpretations as best the Zoom operator could achieve in real-time.
*All candidates on the ballot paper for Cardiff West were invited to this non-selective hustings. Those listed above are the candidates who have responded positively to this invitation.
3 June 2024 – RMA AGM

The Annual General Meeting for the Radyr & Morganstown Association (RMA) will be held as a hybrid meeting, at the Old Church Rooms and online via Zoom on Monday 3 June 2024 starting at 19:30.
Members have been sent the Zoom details to register, if you would like to attend and are not on our mailing list please e-mail RMA@radyr.org.uk
Minutes will be published to this page in due course.
What we do at the BHF and how you can support
You are invited to an RMA Meeting at the Old Church Rooms on Monday 20 November 2023 starting at 19.30. In this session Carys Jenkins from the British Heart Foundation Wales, the RMA Charity for 2023, will explore “what we do at the BHF and how you can support”. Carys says “Everyone has a heart that’s precious to someone else and when one heart stops, countless more are devastated. The British Heart Foundation are a national charity that works locally to support the 340,000 people in Wales living with heart & circulatory diseases. Join us for a talk to hear more about the charity and how it can help you protect your heart”.
As usual, our talk will be followed by updates from the RMA Exec and details of forthcoming local events.
25 September 2023 – RMA hears from Rev’d Ian Yemm

Rev’d Ian Yemm introduces the Garth Ministry Area and talks about his ministry across Radyr & Morganstown, among other things. Ian is a great public speaker so this will be a session not to be missed.
This will be a hybrid meeting open to all, whilst we look forwards to seeing as many of our members as possible at the OCR, if you would prefer to join online via Zoom please register in advance.
Garth Room of the Old Church Rooms, Radyr starting at 19.30 on Monday 25 September 2023 or online via Zoom.
27 March 2023 – RMA AGM
The Annual General Meeting for the Radyr & Morganstown Association (RMA) was held as a hybrid meeting, at the Old Church Rooms and online via Zoom.
Minutes will be published to this page in due course.
21 November 2022 – RMA General Meeting with the RMLDG

A General Meeting of the RMA held on Monday 21 November 2022. This was be a hybrid meeting with members able to join and contribute either on-site in the Old Church Rooms or online via Zoom.
This meeting will include a conversation with the Radyr and Morganstown Local Development Group (RMLDG) on the ongoing process of revising the Cardiff Council Local Development Plan (RLDP) with particular focus on how it can affect both the area of Radyr & Morganstown and those who live here. Come along to hear why getting involved in the RLDP process is important and what positive actions you can take to save green spaces in North West Cardiff.
We will also be joined by a representative from the Cardiff Council Waste and Recycling Team ahead of further properties joining the new segregated recycling trial.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/XT5kIjTFRvU
25 April 2022 – Radyr Hustings

The local council elections including the representatives to the Primary Council and our Community Council will be held on Thursday 5 May 2022.
In order to help voters decide who to vote for in the County Council elections, the RMA have organised a hybrid hustings event for Monday 25 April 2022 starting at 19.30. You can either attend on-site at the Old Church Rooms or online via Zoom.
Our long-standing County Councillor, Cllr Rod McKerlich, is stepping down in this election. He will be replaced by 2 new representatives on the County Council for the Radyr & Morganstown Ward following the increase in councillors to reflect the increased population in our Ward.
Send your questions through in advance to Hustings@radyr.org.uk and our moderator will then pose these questions to your candidates. Tune in to watch the candidates answers live – or watch again afterwards.
Watch again via YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd4n4KBUeI0
21 February 2022 – What is the Revised Local Development Plan?

This meeting was focused on the Cardiff Revised Local Development Plan (LDP), which is in preparation, what it means for the local Community and how you can get involved.
Cardiff Council adopted the current LDP (which brought in Plasdŵr) in 2016. They are now working on developing a revised LDP which will cover the period 2026-36. A number of potential development sites in and around Radyr & Morganstown are being considered in the new plan. The RMA is very concerned at what is being proposed and will be opposing the inclusion of these sites. The meeting will be addressed by speakers from the RMA, the newly formed Radyr and Morganstown Local Development Group, the Radyr and Morganstown Community Council and the North West Cardiff Group as well as taking contributions from the floor. Come to the meeting to be briefed on what is happening and how everyone can get involved.
This was a hybrid meeting with the option to attend and fully participate either in-person at the Old Church Rooms or online via Zoom.
Watch again on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tbRmd8dBCDw
22 November 2021 – Kat Jones talks about the RMA’s latest sponsored Charity, Headway Cardiff and South East Wales

Kat is the Fundraising & Communications Manager for Headway Cardiff & South East Wales, which helps people affected by acquired brain injury to rebuild their lives. Acquired Brain Injury can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. Lives can be changed in an instant. Headway Cardiff & South East Wales supports individuals with Acquired Brain Injury to regain their independence and help their families, friends and carers adapt to a new way of life. They offer social groups, life skills sessions, counselling, an Information & Outreach service and an Independence & Wellbeing Centre, all based at Rookwood Hospital.
The Association is proud and delighted to have chosen this Charity for its next round of fundraising, which will start at the Christmas lighting event on 3rd December 2021 and run through the May Festival until Summer 2022.
Do come along to this talk to hear about the Charity’s work and also hear about local events and activities now that we are increasingly out of ‘Lockdown’.
The meeting was held on Zoom and you can now watch again via the RMA YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQsZeKAk9qo.
16 August 2021 – Ruth Marks talks on the topic ‘Volunteering makes a world of difference’

Radyr resident Ruth Marks is Chief Executive of Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA), the national membership body for voluntary organisations in Wales. An experienced charity sector activist and leader, she has led RNIB Cymru and Chwarae Teg and an independent review into health regulation in Wales.
Ruth was the first Older People’s Commissioner in the world establishing the independent office and used her statutory powers to review health care for older people; producing the report “Dignified Care”. She was awarded the MBE in 2007 for services to welfare to work.
In outlining the thought behind her talk, she said:
“People who volunteer in the community do so for a variety of reasons. I look forward to sharing some of the opportunities and challenges faced by volunteers and charities. Join us for this session where you might share your experience – or be inspired to volunteer yourself.”
So do come along to this talk if you are already involved in any voluntary activity, you think you might be at some time in the future, you want something to happen in the community but don’t know how to go about it, or you would just like to get out and meet new people. Everyone has something to offer and volunteering can actually be fun!
The meeting on Monday 16th August 2021 started at 19.30. Despite recent announcements on the relaxation of Covid restrictions we think it is too early to go back to meeting in person as a large group so this meeting was held on Zoom.
Watch this session on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQNYbjy4tI4
28 June 2021 – Ian Ogden talks about LionAid, a charity that is confronting Africa’s lion crisis

Lions are the top predator in ecosystems. Lose lions and lose ecosystem stability and function. Lions are already extinct in 25 African nations and clinging to survival in a further 10 in small and scattered populations.
This means that only 14 African countries have lions today. To lose the lion in Africa would be considered as another in our long list of failures to keep natural populations of large predators alive. Conservationists say most natural populations of lions will be gone in the next ten to twenty years – hunted, poisoned, speared, trapped, slaughtered. If things don’t change. LionAid are working to make things really change. In the past 50 years existing approaches to lion conservation have allowed 185,000 lions to become bleached bones or tanned skins. This is why LionAid are taking a different approach with new ideas and new ways to protect and conserve the remaining 15,000 lions.
In an exciting illustrated talk, Ian (who has travelled widely) sets out what LionAid does, why we should care and how we can all help.
The meeting on Monday 28 June 2021, starting at 19.30 also covered the usual update on Association and local matters.
Watch on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0UAly_kGV0
12 April 2021 – RMA AGM 2021

The 2021 AGM for the Radyr & Morganstown Association (RMA) was held via Zoom on Monday 12 April 2021, starting at 7.30pm.
We were not able to hold an AGM last year (although we did circulate and get approval of our 2019 accounts) so this is an opportunity for all to get back involved with what we have been doing and what we plan to do.
Agenda and Papers for this meeting have been circulated to the Association membership in advance of the meeting.
24 March – Transport for Wales Briefing on the South Wales Metro

This was a special meeting at which Transport for Wales (TfW) gave an update on the South Wales Metro, Morganstown Compounds and Bridge at Gelynis Farm. This is a topic which has generated a lot of discussion within the R&M Community so we are delighted that they have offered to run this session to tell you what is going on, what is planned, and answer any questions that you may have.
A number of questions were posed in advance of the meeting and set over to the team for them to answer as well as having some time during the session for questions from those present.
Please note that this is a special one-off, single topic meeting and we will not be issuing minutes. However, the meeting was recorded and can now be watched through the RMA YouTube channel. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91OrV1nLLY8
1 March 2021 – “The Living Taff – Mark your Spot”

Simon Bradwick, one of the leaders of the ‘Living Taff project’, spoke about this project and shared some of the enthusiasm for telling the living stories that follow our local river at the RMA General Meeting on Monday 1 March 2021 at 7:30pm via Zoom.
Since the river has not often been celebrated, we are looking to develop an archive of stories to show what it has done to inspire and we are keen that this includes the stories of the people of Radyr & Morganstown and how we have interacted with our river.
The meeting also covered other local topics including an update on plans for the 2021 R&M Festival(s) in May and September and local planning matters.
Watch on YouTube – https://youtu.be/Wjy2-fjJq3k
1 February 2021 – Professor Smail talks at RMA Meeting on Epidemics, Public Health and COVID

We were doubly privileged and delighted to welcome another Radyr resident, Emeritus Professor Simon Smail, CBE, as the speaker at our meeting, via Zoom, on Monday, 1 February 2021. Professor Smail has had a most distinguished career including a period as Vice-Chairman of the Public Health Wales NHS Trust, Vice-Chairman of Leonard Cheshire Disability and (some years ago) being the ‘Radio Doctor’ for Radio Wales and presenting some health TV programmes on Channel 4. He is therefore superbly placed to talk to us about the current virus, how it has been dealt with, and where it is going – all within the context of previous challenges such as Spanish Flu and AIDS.
His talk is titled ‘Epidemics, Public Health and COVID’. Given the current uplift in concern over the pandemic and the increase in restrictions, this is a talk not to be missed.
The meeting also covered other local topics including developing thoughts on the 2021 Radyr & Morganstown May Festival.
Read the Minutes of the February 2021 meeting
Watch on YouTube – https://youtu.be/Fm0QDmm4N7g
16 November 2020 – Transport for Wales

The RMA General Meeting, held over Zoom, on Monday 16 November 2020 was very well attended by all measures (physical or virtual). That was because of the concern being expressed by local residents over the major work that will be conducted in around the Mound Field and Gelynis Farm over the next few years. Members may already have seen the report of the meeting in the draft minutes – we were hoping to be able to share a recording of the meeting as well but unfortunately technical difficulties have prevented that.
For further background, TFW have provided us with a copy of the presentation they gave. They also provided a copy of the draft site plan. Do have a look at those documents to read in conjunction with the minutes. We also asked TFW where we could find more information about the Metro. They said they were working on a more comprehensive area of the website which will cover Radyr in specific detail but, for now, they suggested the following links: https://trc.cymru/south-wales-metro and https://trc.cymru/metro-faqs.
As soon as the Web Team receive further information we will share it through https://radyr.org.uk
5 October 2020 – Jamie Grundy talks about “90 Minutes of Freedom”
Jamie Grundy, talked to the RMA about his book ‘’90 Minutes of Freedom’. Jamie, who only recently moved from Radyr, may be best known to us as a main driver towards the establishment of ‘The Radyr Tap’. He has run numerous community projects and has worked with serving prisoners on several projects in all six of the Welsh male prisons. His book is about the only prisoner football team in Wales in HMP Prescoed. It was a year-long project that he says taught him a great deal about writing, being an author and the world of self-publishing.
This session also included some local updates and the agreement of the Treasurer’s report for the Association Accounts for 2019.
This meeting was held via Zoom on Monday 5 October 2020.
Watch on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya8o8Hk9RYM
10 August 2020 – Ron Eccles on COVID-19: The great pandemic
Local resident Emeritus Professor Ron Eccles of Cardiff University gave a talk to the Association followed by a Q&A Sesssion on the subject “COVID-19 – The great pandemic”.
As the lockdown is easing but restrictions are still in place the RMA are trialling holding some of our sessions online via Zoom to allow us to continue our work of making Radyr and Morganstown a great place in which to live and work.
This session was only open to RMA Members but his presentation can now be viewed through the RMA YouTube Channel – https://youtu.be/g_QopNPvfKI
Minutes of previous meetings
You can view the minutes of the Radyr and Morganstown Association meetings from the list below.
List of Meetings
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- Minutes of the Association Meeting of 2 December 2008
- Minutes of the Association Meeting of 29 September 2008
- Minutes of the Association Meeting of 28 July 2008
- Minutes of the Association Meeting of 2 June 2008
- Minutes of the AGM on 14 April 2008
- Minutes of the Association Meeting of 14 January 2008
- 2007
- Minutes of the Association Meeting of 20 November 2007
- Minutes of the Association meeting of 17 September 2007
- Minutes of the Association meeting of the 16 July 2007
- Minutes of the Association meeting of the 22 May 2007
- Minutes of the AGM 16 April 2007
- Minutes of the Association meeting of the 16 January 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- Minutes of the meeting of the 16 November 2004
- Minutes of the meeting of the 27 September 2004
- Minutes of the meeting of the 19 July 2004
- Minutes of the meeting of the 24 May 2004
- Minutes of the AGM of the 19 April 2004
- Chairman’s report from the AGM 2004
- Minutes of the meeting of the 26 January 2004
- 2003