Newsletter No 3. 2009
In May our Bi-Annual visit to St.Philbert took place. It was another wonderful weekend with 49 people travelling independently to our twin town. This was our first visit without a coach. There will be a report and photographs in the Radyr Chain shortly and a full report is on our web page plus reports from our new visitors and photographs of the weekend go to We thank all who sent us photos to be included. It is too late now for pictures for the Radyr Chain BUT not too late for them to be included on the web site or in the Twinning Album. Please send them in if you have any and we will be delighted to include them.. the more the merrier.
More young Twinning friendships have been formed and stretch further afield in France than St Philbert as more of our families form friendships outside the Twinning, this has come about because of our friendship with St.Philbert and is very encouraging to hear.
This week we had sad news from St.Philbert when we heard that Jean Gery had died. Mr & Mrs Gery were the special friends of Ron and the late Gwyneth Smith. Mr Gery was a very interesting man with a quick and unusual sense of humour. We have sent condolences to the family, to our French friends and to Ron on behalf of the Twinning members.
The committee are already planning the visit from St.Philbert on Friday 21st-to Monday 24th May 2010. Please put this date in your new diaries as it will be the 25th year of the friendship between our communities and we plan to celebrate accordingly. We are also working on a European grant application for funding of this visit – no easy task but, as always, we will do our very best.
Saturday 3rd October Quiz Night, this is the next date for your Twinning Diary when we will be happy to welcome back Mr Alan Doe with one of his âfamousâ quiz evenings at the Old Church Rooms at 7.30pm. We hope as many of you as possible will support this evening, tickets are £6 with supper included and there will be a licensed bar. Teams 8/ 10people, we will make up friendly teams for those who are in smaller groups or alone. We need your help in raising funds for the 2010 visit and we look forward to your company.
Our A.G.M. will be held in October, possible date is Sunday 11th October, but this will be decided at our next committee meeting in early September. We will notify you of the date in good time. If you are interested in joining the committee this will be the time to do so, we NEED you and your input!!
Saturday 5th December is the date for our Christmas Dinner Dance in Radyr Golf Club. We have a bar extension and we hope to have entertainment by Cube. Further details will follow. For further information contact us at or any committee member or see Twinning pages on website
We wish you all happy holidays.