Twinning Fellowship

The Twinning plaque in Windsor Gardens
Town twinning is a concept whereby towns or cities in geographically and politically distinct areas are paired, with the goal of fostering human contact and cultural links. The concept can be likened to a scaled up version of a “pen pal” scheme, in which the “pals” are whole towns or cities. In practice, the twinning arrangements often lead to student exchange programs, as well as economic and cultural collaborations
Read more about the concept of Twinning or Sister Towns on Wikipedia.
The Radyr and Morganstown Twinning Fellowship began in 1985, creating the structure for fun and friendship between the two communities of Radyr & Morganstown in Wales and St Philbert De Grand Lieu in France.
About St. Philbert de Grand Lieu
The Town has a population of approx 4.000 and like Radyr is growing.
It is situated about 25 miles south-west of Nantes and stands on the southern shores of the Lac de Grand Lieu. The River La Bologne runs through the small town, close to the centre there is a 9th century abbey which is used to host many ceremonies and functions. St. Philbert has a very good shopping street in the centre although the area is mainly agricultural with 300 hectares of vineyards, mostly producing the Muscadet wine.
There is an extremely pretty camp site on the river banks with nearby facilities for fishing, swimming, sailing, canoeing, tennis and mini-golf.
See link to St. Philbert web site
See our our on-line photo album for more views of twinning activities in both communities.
The Annual General Meeting is held each year in September, a formal meeting of course, but also a happy social event.
The Committee for 2019/2020
Joint Chair: Maggie Roberts & Diana Laingmaid
Secretary: Maggie Roberts – Tel: 029 2084 2995 – e-mail:
Treasurer: Hilary Mann
Committee members: Geoff Barton-Greenwood, Mike Diment, Chris Livsey, Liz Frazer, Barry Warmisham, Allan Cook
We have vacancies for committee if any members are interested.
Further Information
Please telephone Maggie on 029 2084 2995 if you have an interest in learning more of the Fellowship.
See also this link to St. Philbert