Sidings Residents’ Association

Welcome to the Sidings Residents’ Association’s pages
Updated 3 February 2019
Taff Housing development
In May 2018, planning permission was granted for the building of 36 units, bin store, buggy & bicycle store, surface level car park and associated works on ‘The Plot’ — the area of land at the southern end of the estate.
You can view a copy of the permission and planning conditions.
For background, you can view all the documents relating to the development on the Cardiff Council Planning website.
One of the planning conditions was the approval by the council of a “Construction Method Statement”, which sets out the key practical considerations relating to the actual building works. This has now been approved and is available to view.
The SRA Committee will be keeping an eye on the developer’s compliance with the planning conditions and the Construction Method Statement, to ensure they comply with their obligations and keep disruption to a minimum. We will be asking the developers for regular updates on the progress of the works.
If you have any concerns about the progress of the development, please let us know so we can coordinate actions on behalf of residents as a whole. You can also contact the relevant development officer at Taff Housing, Eleanor Foxwell, by email at on by phone on 02920 259 151 or 0773 974 1934.
Section 106 contributions
As a condition of obtaining planning permission, the developer was obliged to pay to the Council the following sums:
- A “Community Facility Contribution” of £34,030.28 to be used by the Council towards the Old Church Rooms and/or Morganstown Community Hall;
- A “Public Open Space Contribution” of £63,706.00 for the design, provision or improvement of open spaces on De Clare Drive, Fisher Hill Way or at the Radyr Cricket Club.
If you have any thoughts on how these sums could be spent for the benefit of our community,
please let us know.
Adoption of communal areas
The roads and other infrastructure (e.g. streetlights) on the estate are still under the ownership of Taylor Wimpey. They must be brought up to a good standard before the Council will adopt them and take over responsibility for their maintenance. We understand that this process is nearing completion and Taylor Wimpey anticipate that the adoption will be completed in the spring of this year.
The riverbank area remains part of Taylor Wimpey’s responsibility and will be adopted separately from the roads, probably in 2020. There is apparently a management plan in place for the Japanese knotweed, which involves applying treatment annually, which should cause it to die back.
If you have any concerns about the roads or communal areas, please let us know and we can raise them on your behalf. You can also contact the main development engineer responsible for the estate, Mike Snell, by email at or by phone on 02920 534 714.
Summer social event
We are thinking about organising a community BBQ or similar social event for some time in the summer, to provide an opportunity for residents to get together, get to know each other a bit better and have a bit of fun in the sun. Plans are at a very tentative stage, and if you’d like to get involved or help organise this event, please do get in touch!
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Mailing list
If you’d like us to keep you informed of what the Association’s doing, please use our email sign up form to be added to our mailing list. (We won’t pass your email address on to anyone else, and we’ll only be sending occasional emails.)