Radyr & Morganstown Women’s Institute

Formed in 1957, our WI is well established in the community. Our meetings are held at 7.30pm on the second Monday of the month in the Old Church Rooms, Park Road, Radyr. VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. In addition to our monthly meetings we have monthly book groups, genealogy and a weekly walking group. We organise a variety of visits, outings and meals out throughout the year and aim to have something for everyone, whatever their interest. Some of our events are organised by the Glamorgan Federation of Women’s Institutes and are an opportunity to meet women from other WIs.
Meetings follow a similar format each month – WI business (which we keep to a minimum) followed by a talk, demonstration or presentation from an invited speaker, raffle and social time.
The subscription for 2023 is £46, if you are a dual member (a member of more than one WI) there will be just one payment of £22.60. A pro rata amount is payable for those who join part way through the year.
email us at: rm.wi@radyr.org.uk and Linda Turner will get back to you.
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