Radyr Lawn Tennis Club

Cardiff City Stadium
We are a very friendly and well established club based in the heart of Radyr village (Off Heol Isaf, CF15 8DZ). The club has 10 courts in total, 4 Tiger Turf and 3 Artificial Clay courts all with floodlights and 3 Hard Courts. The Club is run to LTA Clubmark standards and has modern clubhouse facilities which have also recently been upgraded, this includes a Function room and a separate well stocked Bar which has an excellent selection of draft ales, lager and cider at very reasonable prices. If you are interested in joining our club then its worth taking a look at our website for further information on joining. We also operate a fully comprehensive coaching programme to cater for all ages and abilities throughout the year. Please visit our Coaching page for further information.
Mission Statement
Our aim is to provide the local community with a vibrant hub of top-class tennis and social facilities, which promotes and encourages playing and enjoyment of tennis for all ages, abilities and backgrounds in a safe and inclusive environment.
Vision for the Running of the Club
Our Vision is to create an energetic, progressive and sustainable tennis club that thrives on providing a full range of enjoyable year-round playing opportunities for both social and competitive tennis to the local community. We will attract players to the best possible tennis experience by continuously improving our programmes to appeal to members and by keeping membership fees affordable while ensuring our financial sustainability.
We will do this by:
- Attracting players from the local community and surrounding areas.
- Achieving a good balance between Club match play and all other recreational tennis to maximise member’s participation and enjoyment
- Providing opportunities for members of all standards to develop their games, through the provision of high-quality coaching.
- Having an active social section where players can turn up and be assured of a good game of social tennis in the mornings, evenings and weekends.
- Encouraging junior members to join in social tennis and the teams as and when they are ready to do so.
- Providing an active social calendar throughout the year with fun events for all ages
- Being financially sound with evidence of good administration and cost monitoring, so that facilities can be maintained and enhanced.
From the archives (2012)
180 members and guests attended a 100 year Celebration Dinner at the Cardiff City Stadium on Friday 6 June 2012. Guests were entertained by speeches from President Mike Clarke, Chairman Katrina Clarke and Arfron Hayden Davies of HTV. All reminisced over the many years tennis has been played in Radyr and all the changes that have taken place with new courts, lights and club house. Many members had travelled from some distances to be there on the night! Past presidents Lorna Clarke and Sir Bill Ascher were in attendance.