22 November 2021 – Kat Jones talks about the RMA’s latest sponsored Charity, Headway Cardiff and South East Wales

Kat is the Fundraising & Communications Manager for Headway Cardiff & South East Wales, which helps people affected by acquired brain injury to rebuild their lives. Acquired Brain Injury can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. Lives can be changed in an instant. Headway Cardiff & South East Wales supports individuals with Acquired Brain Injury to regain their independence and help their families, friends and carers adapt to a new way of life. They offer social groups, life skills sessions, counselling, an Information & Outreach service and an Independence & Wellbeing Centre, all based at Rookwood Hospital.
The Association is proud and delighted to have chosen this Charity for its next round of fundraising, which will start at the Christmas lighting event on 3rd December 2021 and run through the May Festival until Summer 2022.
Do come along to this talk to hear about the Charity’s work and also hear about local events and activities now that we are increasingly out of ‘Lockdown’.
The meeting was held on Zoom and you can now watch again via the RMA YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQsZeKAk9qo.