Play Area in Parc Radur now Open!

After a long wait Santa paid an additional visit to Parc Radur to officially open the new Play Area in time for Christmas 2023. On Friday 8 December Santa was joined by Chair of the Community Council and our local County Councillors for Radyr and Morganstown to cut the ribbon and have a quick go on the equipment alongside some of the smaller local residents.
It is hard to believe that this is finally complete after first discussing the partnership between the Radyr & Morganstown Community Council, Cardiff Council, the Clos Parc Radur Management Committee and Redrow Homes to deliver improvements to the children’s playground at Drovers Way in January 2019.
After extensive works to resolve the drainage problems in the area the equipment, which was partly funded by a Crowdfunding campaign supported by local residents, has finally been fitted.
The new equipment features swings, a bouncing mat, an accessible carousel, spinners, a multi-unit slide, spring toys and other imaginative play elements.
Whilst it has been a long wait we hope that the play equipment will now be put to good use by the local residents and survive through all the strongest Radyr weather as it will no longer be damaged by the overflowing culvert.
See more of the history of the project on our dedicated page.