
Summary of News Items on

Cardiff’s Proposals for Radyr & Morganstown – an update

Cardiff’s Proposals for Radyr & Morganstown

Cardiff Council Dragon logo


The R&M Community Council and the R&M Local Development Group have organised a meeting to discuss Cardiff’s Replacement Local Development Plan on Monday 10th March at 7.30pm in the New Schoolrooms (next to Christ Church on Heol Isaf). It will give everyone an opportunity to understand the Plan and the implications to our Community. Further details are available on the RMLDG website.

Cardiff’s Head of Planning, Simon Gilbert, will be there to present the Plan and answer questions.

Collecting for Cardiff Foodbank

Cardiff Foodbank - Together with Tussell

Thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas collection of food and financial donations organised by Radyr Methodist Church which were passed to Cardiff Foodbank. The first collection of 2025 will be on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February.

Please deliver donations on Saturday 15 February to any of the following addresses between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

  • 30 Pentwyn, Radyr CF15 8RE,
  • 20 Walnut Tree Close, Radyr CF15 8SX,
  • 13 Heol Roald Dahl, Radyr CF15 8GT,

Donations will also be accepted at the morning service at Radyr Methodist Church at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday 16 February.

Most needed items (as of 30/01/2025):

  • Cooking sauce in jars
  • Custard
  • Long-life juice
  • Soup
  • Sponge puddings
  • Tinned fruit, meat, tomatoes and vegetables
  • Washing powder

The foodbank has plenty of baked beans, cereal, nappies, pasta, squash

The foodbank is unable to accept fresh, home-made or perishable food.

Every donation, of whatever amount, is appreciated so please consider whether you can help. Thank you so much.

County Councillor Reports

Cardiff Council Dragon logo

Are you interested in what your County Councillors are doing to represent you? Read their latest reports.

Forecast of High Winds and Heavy Rain cancel Christmas Light event

Cartoon christmas tree and baubles

Unfortunately, due to winds and heavy rain forecast for the duration of the event, the organising committee have taken the difficult decision to cancel Friday’s planned Turning on the Christmas Lights across Radyr & Morganstown. Let’s hope next year the weather is kinder.

It has now been arranged for the trees to be on from this evening with a little less ceremony

Details of other local Christmas events including the Christmas Singalong with Goldies, Santa’s Tour of Radyr and Morganstown and the Christmas Church Services are all still published on our dedicated Christmas Events page.

Cardiff Council have also announced that Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) will close tomorrow (Saturday 8 December) due to the Red weather warning for wind. They should re-open as normal on Sunday. If you have booked a visit for Saturday, the council will be in contact to rearrange your booking.

All Cardiff Hubs and Libraries will also be closed on Saturday 7 December due to the adverse weather conditions. For emergency advice call 029 2087 1071. For homeless support during this bad weather please call 029 2087 3141.


Radyr Chain edition 274 is now out

3,500 physical copies have arrived and are now making their way through the amazing network of volunteer distributors and deliverers “Free to every home in Radyr and Morganstown”. These will be delivered over the next few days.

While you wait to get your hands on a physical copy from your usual source, the new Editorial Board have brought out a simultaneous Digital Edition with all the same content: (PDF, 8MB)

When talking about putting the Radyr Chain together Angharad, one of the members of the new Editorial Board, said:

We can’t make any Chain, but particularly not a bumper 44 page edition, without your contributions. Thank you to all of our contributors for the information and stories of local interest that you have provided. We hope you like what we’ve done with the Chain as we have taken over from the previous “Chain Gang” and work out our role in putting the paper together.

This is the first edition to be produced by the new Editorial Board who stepped at a public meeting in September after the previous volunteer team indicated their intention to step away from the paper having served for a significant number of years.

The new Editorial Board are ready to hear feedback on their first edition and to recieve submissions for Chain 275. Contributions are to be them by e-mail to by 15 February 2025 for a mid March 2025 publication date. If you would like to talk about a possible contribution or develop an idea with them, one of the team would be very happy to have a conversation with any potential contributors.

Radyr Remembers

Guides placing their wreath at the Radyr War Memorial


Thank you to all who came out to remember the fallen at Radyr War Memorial last Sunday (10 November) for our traditional Act of Remembrance.

The Act of Remembrance was led by Rev’d Mary Evans and many local groups were represented in both the procession from Christ Church and the assembled gathering.

Thanks also to the Melingriffith Band for leading the singing of the anthems.

Remembrance Sunday 2024

Christmas Events 2024

Cartoon christmas tree and baubles

Christmas is coming and there is lots to look forward to across Radyr & Morganstown. Whilst it is still early, this page will gradually be updated as details of Christmas events are released.

Christmas Lights across Radyr and Morganstown

Update 05/12/2024 – Unfortunately the weather forecast is now against us and so the organising committee have decided to cancel tomorrow’s 🎄Christmas Lights across Radyr & Morganstown🎄 Event. However, there is still plenty of Christmas fun to be had over the next few weeks.

The Christmas Lights across Radyr and Morganstown event will be held on Friday 6 December 2024.

Starting with the stalls on Station Road from around 18.30 or further away at 18:05 in Granny Park (Morganstown) where pupils from Gwaelod y Garth will be singing then at 18:20 Radyr Comp invite you to sing with them before that tree is lit.

There will be singing of carols around the large tree in Windsor Gardens (opposite Station Road) from 18:55 with Bryn Deri and Radyr Primary Schools getting everyone going. Santa will arrive and, alongside the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, will lead a countdown to light the large Tree in Windsor Gardens at 19:00.

Santa will then stop in his sleigh on Station Road itself for those large and small to say hello to him near the Co-op.

Also, from around 6:30pm, we should be ready in Station Road with stalls selling all sorts of goodies – crafts, gifts, jewellery and much more. Our usual burgers, hot dogs and mulled wine will be available at the RMA stalls. Most of the shops will also be open and joining in the fun, including Cicchetti, Slice and The Radyr Tap, so you will be able to do some shopping and even stay for a meal.


Alzheimer’s Society CymruIn aid of Alzheimer's Society Cymru, will finish their year as the RMA’s chosen charity with a stall and be collecting with buckets during the evening. Please give generously.

Do come along and enjoy the festivities. It is a lovely way to start the Christmas Season and entrance is free.

Christmas Singalong with Goldies

Join the team from Goldies at the New School Rooms (next to Christ Church) on Friday 6 December from 2pm until 3pm for an hour of sing along to Christmas hits from the 70s to the present day. Enjoy the singing, a cuppa and a chat.

Christmas jumpers etc. encouraged.

£3 charity donation includes refreshments.

Santa’s tour of Radyr & Morganstown

Santa in his illuminated sleighSanta and his Sleigh have been invited by the Radyr & Morganstown Community Council. The sleigh will tour Radyr & Morganstown on Friday 13 December 2024.

Full route and anticipated timings for Santa’s tour are now available – please note all published timings are only approximate.

To assist with Road Safety please do not attempt to approach Santa when he is travelling in his sleigh but he will be accompanied by some elves collecting for the RMA Charity for 2024 – Alzheimer’s Society Cymru.

Christmas Services

Both Radyr Methodist Church and Christ Church Radyr will be holding a series of Advent and Christmas Services. 

Details of Advent and Christmas services across the Garth Ministry Area are now available on their website including the traditional Service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday 22 December at 18:00.

Full schedule for Radyr Methodist Church is also available on their pages including the Empty Chair Service on Sunday 15 December at 16:00.

Christmas Rubbish Collections

Dates for Rubbish collections around Christmas and New Year have now been confirmed by Cardiff Council as unchanged from our usual Tuesday pattern.

The Council have warned that there will not be a free Christmas Tree collection this winter. Households are asked to consider how they will responsibly dispose of any real Christmas Trees after the festive period.

The Council are also warning that no wrapping paper or Christmas Cards will be collected as recycling due to the poor fibre quality and high volumes of ink involved in these products. They must all be disposed of within your normal general waste (black bin) collections.

Collecting for Cardiff Foodbank

Cardiff Foodbank Logo

Thank you from members of Radyr Methodist Church to everyone who supported the collection of food and financial donations in August which were passed to Cardiff Foodbank. The next local collection will be on Saturday 12 October 2024. As the Radyr Chain is being published less frequently at the moment, please also publicise this by word of mouth to your friends and family.

Please deliver donations on Saturday 12 October 2024 to any of the following addresses between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. –

  • 30 Pentwyn, Radyr CF15 8RE,
  • 20 Walnut Tree Close, Radyr CF15 8SX,
  • 13 Heol Roald Dahl, Radyr CF15 8GT,
  • 17 Cuckoofield Close, Morganstown CF15 8FR

Donations will also be accepted at the morning service at Radyr Methodist Church at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday 13 October.

The foodbank currently needs

  • Coffee
  • Condiments e.g. ketchup, salt, pepper, mayonnaise
  • UHT milk
  • Fruit juice (long life)
  • Tinned custard
  • Sweets and chocolate
  • Tinned potatoes
  • Nappies (size 5 and above)
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste

They have enough pasta, baked beans, tea, and cereal

The foodbank is unable to accept fresh, home-made, or perishable food. Every donation, of whatever amount, is appreciated so please consider whether you can help.

Thank you so much.

The Radyr Chain has a future!

Radyr Chain Banner

Volunteers met on Monday, 2 September 2024, to agree a future for a printed local newspaper for Radyr & Morganstown to continue being known as the Radyr Chain.

The view of those present (and those who couldn’t attend but had sent comments with their apologies) were strongly that the local institution that has been the Radyr Chain for over 40 years delivering a, well recieved and appreciated, paper newspaper to every house across Radyr and Morganstown – and to do this a new team of volunteers will be required.

At that meeting, an editorial Board was formed and it was agreed that, whilst an October edition might be overly ambitious, there should be an edition before Christmas (most likely in November to highlight upcoming pre-Christmas activities) and another in the New Year before the May Festival to allow a combination of celebration of individual and group achievements alongside promotion of upcoming local events.

Now we need volunteers and content! The Editorial Board are keen to build a relationship with all local groups to ensure that the Chain can showcase the diversity of activity happening across Radyr and Morganstown in future editions and will be writing to those groups in due course. Interim Chair of the Editorial Board, Ruth Marks, said she “wanted to acknowledge and give thanks to those who had given so much time to produce the Chain over its history including the work of the recent editors, printers, distribution and delivery teams”. She was “aware we may have to start small but that should not allow us to limit our ambitions for the future of the Chain as a printed newspaper delivered to every house in Radyr and Morganstown”.

Can you help draft an article or deliver copies for the Radyr Chain?

Please send your offers of voluntary assistance and your article submissions to

On 2 September 2024 approx 15 people attended a meeting to discuss the possible future of The Radyr Chain.

Allan Cook facilitated the discussion that followed a suggested agenda to encourage everyone to share their past involvement, current views and hopes for the future.

A number of points were agreed by those present as follows:

  1. Agreed to aim to produce a hard copy of The Radyr Chain before Christmas, another before the Festival and then to review future timetable.
  2. Agreed that ideal content could comprise a mix of articles from the many clubs, associations, schools, churches and other bodies eg medical surgery, pharmacy etc in the community. Photos and illustrations were also recommended.
  3. Agreed to seek continuation of adverts.
  4. Agreed that the aim and purpose of the hard copy of the newspaper is to contribute to the sense of community across Radyr and Morganstown.  To achieve this by appealing to  people of all ages, to celebrate individual and group achievements, to provide advance diary notice of forthcoming events. To produce hard copies at appropriate times during the year and align as much as possible with web content and social media.
  5. Agreed to establish an Editorial Bard and initial volunteers noted from amongst the group plus some support from others not able to attend the meeting.
  6. Agreed to accept the in principle offer of governance support from the Radyr and Morganstown Association Executive Committee and noting the importance of this for insurance and banking reasons.
  7. Noted with thanks that most of the current distributors and deliverers will hopefully be able to continue with the distribution and delivery of The Chain and noted with thanks that Chris
    Wills current Head of Distribution will double check this with those involved.
  8. Agreed that alternative printing and storage arrangements would be considered and arranged by the new Editorial Board who would take advice from others who were both in the
    meeting and those who were unable to attend.
  9. Agreed that notes of thanks and recognition should be arranged for the previous editors, printers, treasurer, distribution and delivery teams.
  10. Agreed to follow up enquiries with the previous team regarding the bank account, current finance arrangements and contacts with advertisers.
  11. Noted with thanks that several people in the meeting will communicate to their contacts across the community to let them know of the agreement and aim to produce a hard copy
    Chain before Christmas.
  12. Agreed to communicate this message via web and social media as soon as dates agreed by the new Editorial Board.

Names of initial Editorial Board: Alex Parry, Ed Parry, Angharad Thomas-Richards, Ian Thomas and Ruth Marks

The Editorial Board can be contacted through the e-mail address  both for identifying additional volunteers and submission of articles.

Summer Zumba in Windsor Gardens

Landscape view of the green in Windsor Gardens

Good fun was had by all who attended the Summer Sumba sessions in Windsor Gardens organised by registered Zumba instructor Natasha Young with support from the RMA and the Radyr and Morganstown Community Council.

When sharing some photos of the four 1 hour events, Natasha said:

“I just wanted to take a moment to extend a heartfelt thank you to both the Radyr and Morganstown Association (RMA) and the Radyr and Morganstown Community Council (RMCC) for supporting my outdoor Zumba sessions during the summer holidays. I really appreciate it! Although the weather didn’t always cooperate, it didn’t dampen the community spirit. It was fantastic to see so many local adults and children having a great time dancing together. I’ve attached a few photos/videos for you to enjoy!

Please keep me in mind if you’re ever looking for some dance fitness fun, either personally or at any future local events!”

Like many local businesses, Natasha’s details for her regular Zumba classes or private sessions and parties can be found in the Directory of this website.

Summer Zumba V1Summer Zumba V2

Radyr Chain – seeking new volunteers

Cover of Chain 261

The Radyr Chain is a print publication currently delivered free to all households within Radyr and Morganstown six times a year. It is compiled and distributed by a group of local volunteers, and shares matters of local interest for Radyr and Morganstown. The current team have stepped down and so new volunteers are being sought to keep this important local communication channel alive.

An archive of recent editions of the Radyr Chain newspaper is available on the Radyr & Morganstown community website:

Do you want to see the Radyr Chain continue and develop? A group is gathering to share some ideas and skills and some time to see what is possible.

Can you spare an hour on Monday 2 September, 19.00 – 20.00 at The Old Church Rooms to see what might be able to be achieved?


Vacancy for Community Councillor

Radyr & Morganstown Community Council Logo - Blue/green Heathcock in a circle

Could you be the next Community Councillor for the Radyr South Ward on the Radyr & Morganstown Community Council?

The council are looking to fill this vacant seat through Co-option and ask anyone interested to read the full details available from the Community Council website before contacting the Clerk to the Community Council.

Closing date for applications in this round is 11 September 2024.



Congratulations on outstanding results

Radyr Comp Badge

Congratulations to all across Radyr and Morganstown who have received exam results over the summer.

Press release from Radyr Comprehensive School on Thursday 22 August 2024

Pupils, parents and staff are celebrating excellent GCSE results at Radyr Comprehensive School today, with a fantastic 74% of pupils achieving 5 A* – C grades including Maths and English.

Our hardworking pupils achieved highly across the board with a Capped Points Score of 406. 83% of pupils achieved C or better in either English or English Literature, with an Average Points Score (APS) of 45. In Mathematics/Numeracy, 77% of pupils achieved at least a C, with an APS of 43. An impressive 74% of pupils achieved a C in Science, with an APS of 43. Performance in Intermediate WBQ was also strong, with 74% of pupils achieving WBQ National, an APS of 43 and 90% achieving the Skills Challenge certificate.

Radyr are paricularly pleased with the proportion of pupils achieving at least 5 A*/A grades which is an impressive 34%.

A phenomenal 35 pupils achieved 5 or more A* grades, with 25 of these achieving 8 or more A*s, 14 pupils achieving 10 or more A*s, and 9 pupils achieving 12 or more A*s.

Among these phenomenal results notable performances include Balen Abdullah, Lewys Condon, Impgen Downe and Indiana Rayner who all achieved a staggering 13 A*s, along with a distinction in Additional Maths. An incredible achievement”

Headteacher Andrew Williams commented, “Everyone in the school community is absolutely delighted with these results, which are a true reflection of the consistent hard work of our staff and pupils. Congratulations, year 11, you are an absolute credit to Radyr, and we are so very proud of you all!”

Press release from Radyr Comprehensive School on Thursday 15 August 2024

Superb Sixth Form Results at Radyr Comprehensive School

Congratulations to our year 12 and 13 students for achieving a brilliant set of results this year.

This year, a staggering thirty-seven year 13 students achieved at least 3 A grades, with nine students achieving at lead 3 A* grades.

Our overall provisional percentage figures are as follows:

  • A* A – 52%
  • A* B – 74%
  • A* C – 90%
  • A* E – 98%

We are increadibly proud of each and every one of our students, but some notable performances include:

Chidambaram Nachiappan who achieved 5 A* grades in Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and the Welsh Baccalaureate.

Jasmin Nicholls who achieved 5 A* grades in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and the Welsh Baccalaureate.

Luca Southworth who achieved 5 A* grades in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and the Welsh Baccalaureate.

Cerys Griffiths who achieved 4 A* grades in Chemistry, Mathematics, Business Studies, Welsh Baccalaureate and an A grade in Psychology

Megan Grills who achieved 4 A* grades in Biology, History, Mathematics and Welsh Baccalaureate.

Headteacher, Mr Andrew Williams, says “We are absolutely delighted with this set of results, our year 13 students are a credit to Radyr, themselves and their families and we wish each and every one of them the very best as they embark on the next chapter in their lives.”

Congratulations must also go to our year 12 students who performed exceptionally well.

County Councillor Reports

Cardiff Council Dragon logo

Are you interested in what your County Councillors are doing to represent you? Read their latest reports.

UK General Election 2024


The UK General Election will be held on Thursday 4 July 2024. This will include election of our representative for the Cardiff West Constituency in the UK Parliament.

In order to help voters decide who to vote for, the RMA have organised a hybrid hustings event for Monday 24 June 2024 starting at 19.30. You can either attend on-site at the Old Church Rooms or online via Zoom.

Our long-standing Member of Parliament, Kevin Brennan MP is stepping down in this election. He will be replaced by a new representatives for the re-shaped Cardiff West Constituency following the reduction in the number of Welsh Constituencies recommended by the Boundary Commission.

Update (27/06/2024)

The 5 (of 9) Candidates who attended* were:

  • Alex Barros-Curtis (Labour)
  • James Hamblin (Conservative)
  • Keira Marsall (Plaid Cymru)
  • Neil McEvoy (Propel)
  • John Urquhart (Independent)

We apologise that, due to technical difficulties on the night, the video quality is not what we had intended. Whilst we have captured candidates audio for the whole evening there is also a short portion where the cameras cut out all together. Also, during the meeting a decision was taken to permit questions from the floor after candidates final speeches. This was not an expected part of the format. Where these are not picked up by our microphones, we have attempted to overlay summaries of the questions asked but they are only interpretations as best the Zoom operator could achieve in real-time.

Watch on YouTube

*All candidates on the ballot paper for Cardiff West were invited to this non-selective hustings. Those listed above are the candidates who have responded positively to this invitation.

Who can I vote for and Where do I vote?

The Democracy Club aims to provide accurate, non-partisan information on every election and candidate across the UK. Their widget, below, offers free impartial information about who is standing in our area.

Voter ID

Voters who want to vote in person at a polling station must take photographic ID. The list of allowable ID is on the Electoral Commission’s Voter ID pages

Voters without one of the listed types of photo ID can apply for a voter authority certificate (VAC). The Electoral Commission’s Applying for a Voter Authority Certificate pages explains how to apply.

Have you registered to vote?

Finally, a reminder that Tuesday 18 June 2024 is the last possible date to register to vote in these elections.

If you have not yet registered, it is quick and easy either online or by post – 


Thank you for the 2024 Festival

Radyr & Morganstown Festival 2024. Text on coloured blocks

Thank you to everyone who volunteered to make the Radyr and Morganstown Festival 2024 such a successful event.

We are pleased to announce that, whilst we are still waiting for final totals to come in, we can already confirm over £8,000 has been raised for Alzheimer’s Society Cymru.

The year of support for Alzheimers Society Cymru by the RMA now continues until December so there is still time to support at the Halloween event, Christmas Lights across Radyr and Morganstown, Santa’s visit on his sleigh or any of the individual coffee mornings and other events being put on by the local committee this year.

A summary of all events held this year is available on the Festival website at:

Radyr and Morganstown Festival 2024

Who can I vote for on 2 May?


Thursday 2 May will see polling for the Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) across the UK, including the PCC for South Wales which covers Radyr & Morganstown. For the first time voters in our Wards will need to show ID at the polling station for this election.

Who can I vote for and Where do I vote?

The Democracy Club aims to provide accurate, non-partisan information on every election and candidate across the UK. Their widget, below, offers free impartial information about who is standing in our area and where your local polling station is.

Don’t forget your ID

Voters in Wales need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections.

This applies to:

  • UK parliamentary elections, including general elections, by-elections and recall petitions
  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections

Read more on accepted forms of photo ID on the Electoral Commission Website

Have you registered to vote?

Finally, a reminder that to vote you must be registered. The last date to register to vote in the PCC elections was Tuesday 16 April 2024. However, with a UK General Election on the horizon, if you have not yet registered to vote and are otherwise eligible it is quick and easy either online or by post – 

Garden Waste Collections to restart

Following the Winter suspension and Industrial Action by Unite the Union over Pay, Terms and Conditions for refuse workers, Cardiff Council have now announced that Garden Waste Collections will re-start across Cardiff from Tuesday 2 April 2024.

Radyr & Morganstown will see a fortnightly collection cycle of green, Garden Waste, bins from Tuesday 2 April 2024. This will be the alternate weeks to those for collection of black bins containing general waste and the blue glass bin. Recycling in either the new blue/red separated sacks or the green mixed waste bags continues on a weekly cycle and we hope this becomes more reliably on the published days now that the Industrial Action period has come to an end.

From the Council’s A-Z of Recycling on Garden Waste.

You can put small branches and twigs, leaves, grass cuttings and flowers in your garden waste.

Garden waste is collected in either re-usable garden waste sacks or green wheelie bins. You may need to register for garden waste collections if you do not have a bin or sack at your property.

Please do not place items such as bark, wood chippings, soil or rubble in your garden waste.

If you have moved into a property that does not have a green wheelie bin, or if you need to replace a lost or stolen bin, please contact C2C on 029 2087 2087.

Funeral Notice: Mrs Joan Webley

Purple flowers in graveyard

Joan passed peacefully away at her home in Radyr, Cardiff, on Tuesday 13 February 2024, at the age of 100.

Joan was deputy head of Radyr Comprehensive School for many years and she will be sadly missed by her family, former colleagues and her many friends.

Mrs Webley was a 100 years old and a prominent member of the Radyr community for years. As well as deputy head at Radyr School, she was an enthusiastic member of the local Labour Party and a volunteer at the Museum. We think that a number of her friends in Radyr would like to pay tribute to her at her funeral on 22 February and wanted to make sure that the date is communicated to a large audience.

The funeral service will be held on Friday 22 March 2024 in the Wenallt chapel, Thornhill Crematorium at 11am. Donations in lieu of flowers can be made to Cancer Aid at Green Willow Funerals.