Radyr Chain – seeking new volunteers

Cover of Chain 261

The Radyr Chain is a print publication currently delivered free to all households within Radyr and Morganstown six times a year. It is compiled and distributed by a group of local volunteers, and shares matters of local interest for Radyr and Morganstown. The current team have stepped down and so new volunteers are being sought to keep this important local communication channel alive.

An archive of recent editions of the Radyr Chain newspaper is available on the Radyr & Morganstown community website: https://radyr.org.uk/chain

Do you want to see the Radyr Chain continue and develop? A group is gathering to share some ideas and skills and some time to see what is possible.

Can you spare an hour on Monday 2 September, 19.00 – 20.00 at The Old Church Rooms to see what might be able to be achieved?