Organisations that can help you

I am compliling a list of organisations that can provide Cardiff residents with additional support, particularly if you live alone. As I find more, I will add them to the list below with a brief description and contact details. And please get in touch if you know of other agencies that should be included.

We do not arrange these support functions ourselves so we can’t supply further information. However, if you contact the organisations and have a story to tell, do let me  (the RMGN Coordinator, Louise Beesley) know on 07553 463 676 or .

Cardiff Council can provide

Meals on wheels – hot meals delivered and ready to eat between 11:30m and 2:00pm..  Follow

Telecare alarm – provision of a pendant alarm and response unit to use if you find yourself in difficulty. Follow

Cardiff Hubs provide all sorts of support. Our local Hub is in Park Road, Radyr. Here is a link . They provide:

A Wellbeing Support Service –  One to one mentoring to help you manage your own wellbeing; Activities based on your personal interests and needs; and Events and training. Follow: