Good Neighbours

Closure of Charity
With regret, the decision has been taken by the Trustees to close the Radyr & Morganstown Good Neighbours scheme at the end of July 2024. The scheme, sponsored by the Radyr & Morganstown Community Council, was set up to offer services to those in need of help and support, to help people connect with their community by telling them what is available and by providing opportunities for people to meet and help with getting them there.
In practice we found the need for additional local support was not as great as was envisaged, and the recruitment of volunteers proved very difficult. We also noted other Charities exist to provide assistance within the R&M area. We did, though, establish a regular ‘Friday with Friends’ Group meeting in the New Schoolrooms (see below).
We had some money left in the bank on closure of the charity. Some has gone to the Garth Ministry Area to pay for the hire of the New Schoolrooms for ‘Friday with Friends’ and ‘Goldies’ in perpetuity. The balance has been passed to the Charity ‘Age Connects Cardiff & the Vale’ (Charity No 1137821), with the request that the money is used to promote services in R&M.
We hereby pass on our thanks to Louise Beesley, who has now stood down as the GN Coordinator. She has done sterling work in developing the brand and in setting up ‘Friday with Friends’.
Friday with Friends
As mentioned above, ‘Friday with Friends’ will continue meeting in the New Schoolrooms (next to Christ Church in Heol Isaf, Radyr) every Friday from 2.00-4.00 pm. See the adjacent panel for more information but, in general, just pop along for a cuppa, cake and a chat. All are welcome.
It will be great to see you.
Contact Sue Baskerville,, for more information.