Festival event schedule announced
The Festival Committee are now ready to confirm the lineup for our September 2021 Festival. We had hoped to run a full Festival this time and had organised a number of indoor events, including concerts and a play. However, these are costly to put on and cannot be called off a short notice. So, without full proof that we would be able to run them, we have reluctantly cut back to events that can be run out of doors. where hopefully restrictions will have lifted further allowing in-person events to take place. Nevertheless, we hope there is still something here for everyone.
Full details can always be found on the Festival Website https://rmfestival.org.uk/events Here is also where you can find details of how to register for each of the events.
A paper programme will be circulated shortly with the August edition of the Radyr Chain, this will also include your first book of Raffle Tickets.
Please note that, due to the uncertainties relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, the list of events is subject to change at short notice. We will endeavour to keep this Festival website up to date alongside announcements on the RMA Twitter Feed – @RMHub