Radyr Methodist Church

We are here to share the Good News about Jesus. We are a mixed bunch from Radyr and nearby communities who meet to worship God, to pray, learn, share and grow together in faith. We all belong, as brothers and sisters in God’s family the church, to one another, striving to care for each other and our neighbours. We want you to know Christ’s love for you, and hope you will feel really welcome here.
Location: Corner of Windsor Road & Heol Isaf, CF15 8BP
Our Ministers
Rev. Judith Holliman
Email: Judith.Holliman@methodist.org.uk
Room Hire – available for personal and community use
Hall Reservation Secretary: Phil Gatley: 07946 399 389 PhilipRGaley@gmail.com or Yvonne Gately: 07730 044 813 Yvonne.Gatley@googlemail.com
Further details of forthcoming events can be found on the Radyr Methodist Church website – http://radyr.org.uk/methodist