The Radyr Chain has a future!

Volunteers met on Monday, 2 September 2024, to agree a future for a printed local newspaper for Radyr & Morganstown to continue being known as the Radyr Chain.
The view of those present (and those who couldn’t attend but had sent comments with their apologies) were strongly that the local institution that has been the Radyr Chain for over 40 years delivering a, well recieved and appreciated, paper newspaper to every house across Radyr and Morganstown – and to do this a new team of volunteers will be required.
At that meeting, an editorial Board was formed and it was agreed that, whilst an October edition might be overly ambitious, there should be an edition before Christmas (most likely in November to highlight upcoming pre-Christmas activities) and another in the New Year before the May Festival to allow a combination of celebration of individual and group achievements alongside promotion of upcoming local events.
Now we need volunteers and content! The Editorial Board are keen to build a relationship with all local groups to ensure that the Chain can showcase the diversity of activity happening across Radyr and Morganstown in future editions and will be writing to those groups in due course. Interim Chair of the Editorial Board, Ruth Marks, said she “wanted to acknowledge and give thanks to those who had given so much time to produce the Chain over its history including the work of the recent editors, printers, distribution and delivery teams”. She was “aware we may have to start small but that should not allow us to limit our ambitions for the future of the Chain as a printed newspaper delivered to every house in Radyr and Morganstown”.
Can you help draft an article or deliver copies for the Radyr Chain?
Please send your offers of voluntary assistance and your article submissions to
On 2 September 2024 approx 15 people attended a meeting to discuss the possible future of The Radyr Chain.
Allan Cook facilitated the discussion that followed a suggested agenda to encourage everyone to share their past involvement, current views and hopes for the future.
A number of points were agreed by those present as follows:
- Agreed to aim to produce a hard copy of The Radyr Chain before Christmas, another before the Festival and then to review future timetable.
- Agreed that ideal content could comprise a mix of articles from the many clubs, associations, schools, churches and other bodies eg medical surgery, pharmacy etc in the community. Photos and illustrations were also recommended.
- Agreed to seek continuation of adverts.
- Agreed that the aim and purpose of the hard copy of the newspaper is to contribute to the sense of community across Radyr and Morganstown. To achieve this by appealing to people of all ages, to celebrate individual and group achievements, to provide advance diary notice of forthcoming events. To produce hard copies at appropriate times during the year and align as much as possible with web content and social media.
- Agreed to establish an Editorial Bard and initial volunteers noted from amongst the group plus some support from others not able to attend the meeting.
- Agreed to accept the in principle offer of governance support from the Radyr and Morganstown Association Executive Committee and noting the importance of this for insurance and banking reasons.
- Noted with thanks that most of the current distributors and deliverers will hopefully be able to continue with the distribution and delivery of The Chain and noted with thanks that Chris
Wills current Head of Distribution will double check this with those involved. - Agreed that alternative printing and storage arrangements would be considered and arranged by the new Editorial Board who would take advice from others who were both in the
meeting and those who were unable to attend. - Agreed that notes of thanks and recognition should be arranged for the previous editors, printers, treasurer, distribution and delivery teams.
- Agreed to follow up enquiries with the previous team regarding the bank account, current finance arrangements and contacts with advertisers.
- Noted with thanks that several people in the meeting will communicate to their contacts across the community to let them know of the agreement and aim to produce a hard copy
Chain before Christmas. - Agreed to communicate this message via web and social media as soon as dates agreed by the new Editorial Board.
Names of initial Editorial Board: Alex Parry, Ed Parry, Angharad Thomas-Richards, Ian Thomas and Ruth Marks
The Editorial Board can be contacted through the e-mail address both for identifying additional volunteers and submission of articles.