Annual Community Safety Survey
Our Partners at South Wales Police have asked us to promote their Annual Community Safety Survey:
The South Wales Police & Crime Commissioner has launched his annual community survey. The aim of the survey is to seek feedback from the public about:
- what can be improved to make people feel safe wherever they live, work, or spend time in South Wales
- their views and experiences of engaging with the police in their local area
- their views on the options being considered for the policing element of council tax payments (the “precept”).
The results from this survey will be helpful as part of the decision making for setting the 2023/24 police precept, as well as the way we pursue the delivery of Neighbourhood Policing and Community Safety work. It will provide the Commissioner and his team with a broader understanding of the issues making people feel unsafe and how we work with the police and local organisations to better understand where and how resources should be targeted to keep communities safe and provide reassurance.
The Commissioner is committed to ensuring that we hear the views of as many people as possible. I would really value it if you would support this approach by promoting and circulating the survey to your ‘Citizens Panel’, and possibly via your social media channels/website, as a means of encouraging residents to participate before the survey closes on Tuesday 13th December 2022.
Details of how to take part in the survey are included below:
Online survey: Our Police, Our Community Survey 2022 (
Request a paper copy: 01656 869366 /
Thanks for your time!